God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 2207 Wait until tomorrow, Granny Yi and I will leave the capital

Chapter 2207 Wait until tomorrow, Granny Yi and I will leave the capital

After rushing all the way, after seven days, the group finally returned to the imperial capital.

Because everyone in the palace was notified in advance that they were coming back, the palace had already prepared a reception banquet in advance. After Xia Zishang and his party returned, everyone gathered in the imperial garden.

It was said to be a reception banquet, but the people who came to participate were all family members.

The weather was fine, and in the imperial garden, everyone sat around the table, talking and laughing.

The whole family reunites and enjoys the exquisite dishes prepared by the Imperial Dining Room happily.

"So, that Yue Lianxue is already dead?" Xing Yuan and Granny Yi were also there, and Granny Yi was serving Xia Zishang and Xuanyuan Yelan's vegetables at this time, and it was Xing Yuan who spoke.

"Yes. At present, the Lord of the Temple seems to be ignoring the grievances between Tangle and us. All his energy and manpower are focused on winning people's hearts again.

"Speaking of which, Yue Lianxue is considered the confidant of the temple master. She has been working hard for the temple for so many years, but the temple master always kills her at will. The attack is really not ordinary vicious. It can be seen that this saint The master of the hall is not an easy-going lamp. He is decisive and decisive, and we don’t know if he will continue to target us in the future, so we should be careful."

"Mother-in-law, don't worry, the emperor father and the queen mother are so powerful, so nothing will happen. Besides, there are our three brothers and sisters, we will definitely protect mother-in-law." Qing Mo said.

Yun Yu and Qing Cheng were eating seriously, and they all nodded after listening to the elder brother's words, agreeing with the elder brother's words.

Granny Yi usually just looks at these three children and is so happy that she can't close her mouth from ear to ear. Just like at this moment, she nodded happily and said happily, "Okay, okay, you three are really good children. With you Now, mother-in-law can rest assured."

Looking at this scene, Xing Yuan's eyes glowed with helplessness, and then he cleared his throat and said, "Your Majesty, it just so happens that everyone is gathered here now, and I also have something that I want to tell Your Majesty."

Seeing Xuanyuan Yelan gesturing for himself to continue speaking with his eyes, Xing Yuan continued, "By tomorrow, Granny Yi and I will leave the capital."

"What? Why did you decide so suddenly?" Xuanyuan Yelan looked at Xing Yuan puzzled. If possible, he didn't want the two of them to leave in such a hurry.

Xia Zishang, on the other hand, observed the reactions of the two of them.

When she saw Xing Yuan finished speaking, not only were they surprised, but even Granny Yi had an unexpected look on her face.

Xia Zishang looked at Granny Yi in surprise.

Logically speaking, Granny Yi should know about this matter, after all, they are both going to leave, and this matter cannot be decided by Xing Yuan alone.

But looking at Granny Yi's reaction now, it is obvious that things are not that simple.

Observing this scene quietly, Xia Zishang observed silently, and did not speak without authorization.

Granny Yi didn't notice Xia Zishang's gaze, but frowned silently and waited for Xing Yuan's next words.

Xing Yuan cleared his throat and said with a smile, "Now that His Majesty has ascended the throne, the toxins in his body have been released, how can we keep disturbing in the palace? Besides, the palace is restrained, Granny Yi and I are more yearning for the wild cranes in the rivers and lakes, Unfettered days."

"Does Granny Yi think so too?" Xia Zishang asked suddenly, looking at Granny Yi.

(End of this chapter)

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