God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 2212 Who stole my master's candy cake!

Chapter 2212 Who stole my master's candy cake!

Whoosh, everything was so fast that people couldn't react in time, Long Shitian just blinked, a gust of wind flashed in front of it, and then the piece of glutinous rice cake on the plate disappeared!

Long Shitian was startled, and roared angrily, "Who stole my candy cake!"

Xia Zishang was also shocked by this sudden change, and then looked towards the shadow, and saw the red-clothed evildoer standing in front of the window with the cat waist.

Lianzhong's purple eyes were beating with anticipation, and he took the hot piece of sugar cake, and took a bite.

Amid Long Shitian's screams, Lian Zhongzai carefully tasted the fried cake in his mouth.

The fried cake is crispy on the outside and soft on the inside, and the soft glutinous rice noodles are still silky, and the inside is wrapped with a hot peanut and sesame filling, which is endless aftertaste.

To put it simply, it is two words, delicious, delicious.

"Oh, oh, I killed you bastard!" Long Shitian watched Lianzhong eat up his fried cake three times, five times and two times, and was so angry that his figure turned into an afterimage. Rushing out from the spot, one hand turned into a dragon's claw, heading straight for Lian Zhong's head!

"Xiao Hei, come back quickly!" Looking at Lian Zhong's extremely enchanting figure, Xia Zishang's heart rang with alarm.

Although I don't know why Lian Zhong appeared here, but the appearance of this man is definitely not a good thing.

Thinking that this person might have come to avenge the temple, Xia Zishang's heart was raised in her throat.

It's a pity that Long Shitian can't listen to Xia Zishang's words now.

That was its fried cake, it was thinking about it, and it finally got the fried cake after waiting for a long time!It's so sweet and soft, I've been waiting for it for so long, and who knows, it was eaten by others before I even touched it!

As a proud and awe-inspiring dragon clan, Long Shitian couldn't bear anything!
Just after eating the hot mouth fried cake, Lian Zhong's peripheral vision caught sight of Long Shitian who was rushing towards him.

A flash of blood flashed across the bright red lotus imprint on the center of the brow, and Lian Zhong raised his hand to block Long Shitian's sharp claws.

Afterwards, Lian Zhong raised his hand again and swung Long Shitian away from the spot with a burst of spiritual power.

With a loud noise, Long Shitian's figure sank deeply into the wall due to the impact.

"Xiao Hei!" Seeing this scene, Xia Zishang rushed to Long Shitian.

Long Shitian coughed forcefully a few times, and then he broke free from the wall in a daze. He wanted to continue to smash Lian Zhong with red ears, but was stopped by Xia Zishang.

"Don't stop, is your current strength his opponent?" Xia Zishang pulled Long Shitian and said warningly.

"I don't care about that much! Even if I try my best, I will make that bastard man spit out my fried cake!" Long Shitian was really angry now, his mouth showed sharp fangs, and even his face showed a smile. A piece of dragon scale was removed, and it looked fierce at first glance, and the arrogance of the whole body soared to the sky, making the surrounding air tremble.

Xia Zishang frowned at this scene, then pursed her lips and said, "If you don't listen to me, you won't want to eat anything in the future."

After hearing this, Long Shitian turned his head to look at Xia Zishang.

The murderous look in its beast-like eyes was instantly replaced by grievances, and it was so angry that it almost burst into flames, "Why, why! Zishang, you bullied me, obviously he stole my fried cake , I don't obey!"

"It's okay, I'll make it for you again. I'll fry a plate for you in a while, and you eat slowly. Tell me, can you listen to me now?" Xia Zishang asked with a straight face.

(End of this chapter)

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