God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 2216 But did you encounter something unpleasant?

Chapter 2216 But did you encounter something unpleasant?

"Grandma Yi, have you encountered anything unpleasant recently?" Xia Zishang asked, looking deeply at Granny Yi.

The smile on the corner of Granny Yi's mouth froze for a moment, but soon returned to her indifferent appearance, and instead she looked at Xia Zishang with a smile and asked, "Okay, why did you say that?"

"I just think Granny Yi looks a little out of her mind today, so I'm curious about what happened." Xia Zishang said, observing Granny Yi's expression.

Meeting Xia Zishang's eyes, Granny Yi had the illusion that she was about to be seen through, but she smiled with the corners of her lips curled up on her face, and then said lightly, "I'm not out of my mind, I just thought of it." I’m about to leave here soon, and I’m just a little bit reluctant.”

She said she was reluctant, but in fact, only Granny Yi knew how much she was suffering at this time, and she really didn't want to leave, but now many things are beyond her control, she just wants to be herself. Walking may become forever, my chest seems to be hollowed out by someone, and my heart feels empty and uncomfortable.

Seeing that her mother-in-law could not help but look into the distance when she was speaking, Xia Zishang pursed her lips and said, "If mother-in-law is reluctant, she can stay here. Yun Yan told me that to him, mother-in-law and criminal Uncles are family members, after you leave, we will miss you both very much, and we also don't want you two to leave."

Xia Zishang's every word was so earnest that Granny Yi couldn't help but feel her heart move just by listening to it, she just felt that her heart seemed to be filled, which was extremely comforting.

"The old man must go." When Granny Yi spoke, she cast her eyes faintly into the distance, and she didn't know what she was thinking, she smiled and said slowly, "To tell you the truth, when the old man was young, he once owed I made a debt, and this debt has been in arrears for a long time, and I have to go back and pay it off."

Seeing Granny Yi's eyes showing helplessness and sadness when she mentioned the 'debt', Xia Zishang groaned for a while, and for some reason, she always felt that things were not as simple as Granny Yi said.

It seemed that there was some unknown truth hidden behind Yi's mother-in-law's words, which made Xia Zishang even more curious.

But before Xia Zishang asked, Granny Yi smiled first, then raised her hand, took Xia Zishang's hand and patted it lightly, the tenderness in her eyes deepened, "Shang Son, my mother-in-law has always been very glad to know you. You and Your Majesty are good children. My mother-in-law believes that your life will get better and better in the future. I hope you will remember that even if your mother-in-law is no longer by your side in the future, you I will miss you all day and night.”

Xia Zishang looked at Granny Yi silently, and could clearly see the deep reluctance hidden in Granny Yi's eyes.

Obviously so reluctant, but still must go, she really can't understand why Granny Yi is so stubborn?
I always felt that Grandma Yi seemed to be hiding something, Xia Zishang was about to ask, but suddenly felt a terrifying murderous aura coming from behind her.

The sudden murderous aura made Xia Zishang subconsciously vigilant, raised his hand and shot a fierce attack towards behind him.

"Ah!!" The source of the murderous aura was Xia Huan. At this time, the tray in her hand was overturned, and the hot tea was poured out of the kettle and splashed on her hand, which immediately turned red.

(End of this chapter)

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