God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 2222 Did you pick up our clear ink?

Chapter 2222 Did you pick up our clear ink?
Xuanyuan Yelan is the king of a country, and he has to go to court every day to meet the officials to deal with government affairs, so Xia Zishang was so surprised to see that Xuanyuan Yelan was still by his side at this time.

Seeing Xia Zishang's surprise, Xuanyuan Yelan calmly lowered his head and pressed a kiss on her lips, "I promised Qingmo one thing yesterday."

Looking at Xuanyuan Yelan in confusion, Xia Zishang didn't know what this man meant.

Xuanyuan Yelan continued to explain calmly, "I promised Qingmo that in the next few days, let him learn how to deal with the government affairs. One of them is that he and I will exchange Chao, today is him, tomorrow is me."

"You don't mention this matter, I haven't thought about finding you to settle the score." Xia Zishang seemed to be reminded by Xuanyuan Yelan. At this moment, she frowned and looked at the man in front of her, took a deep breath and said, "Did you pick up our Qingmo? How old is he, and you started letting him handle government affairs?"

Qing Mo has always been sensible, and as the eldest brother, he has undertaken the most.

The husband and wife often go out, and he, the older brother, is responsible for taking care of his younger siblings. Xia Zishang always felt that Qingmo was mature and calm at a young age because he was too independent, which led to Qingmo's precocious maturity.

It is also for this reason that Xia Zishang always wants to love Qingmo more, not to mention other things, at least let Qingmo spend a carefree childhood like his younger siblings.

However, after Xia Zishang finished speaking, Xuanyuan Yelan comforted her and said, "Shang'er, I told you that this matter was proposed by Qing Mo. When I went to the Western Regions, I told the two of us When the two sons come back, one is to ask them to help, but the ultimate goal is to train the two of them. To tell you the truth, I already have the intention of making Qingmo the prince."

Xia Zishang frowned, and after thinking about it, she was still a little bit reluctant, "Is Qingmo too young? He's only six years old this year."

A six-year-old child is at the time when he is carefree, but Qingmo has to be entangled in government affairs. How can Xia Zishang, a mother, be willing to do this?
Looking at Xia Zishang without any surprise, Xuanyuan Yelan seemed to have expected that Xia Zishang would say this from the very beginning, "Shang'er, Qingmo is already six years old, and for the future prince who is to be cultivated, he The age is just right. In fact, I also thought about waiting for a while, but since Qing Mo is willing to do it now, it is better to let him do it."

This time, he asked his two sons to try to deal with the government affairs together, but Yun Yu was not very interested in the government affairs from the beginning. He preferred to study medical skills. Speaking is the pursuit, so he has no interest in inheriting the great line.

Since Qing Mo is interested, why not take this opportunity to start teaching Qing Mo how to deal with Chaozhen.

Seeing that Xuanyuan Yelan said every word with sincerity, Xia Zishang still felt a little bit reluctant.

She naturally understood what Xuanyuan Yelan meant. Compared to Xuanyuan Yelan, as a mother, she was obviously too easy to soften her heart to the children. In fact, it was not a good thing for the children.

"Okay. Since Qing Mo is interested, then stop his Qingxinzong's class first, and wait for Granny Yi and the others to leave, first send Yun Yu and Qingcheng back to Qingxinzong, and leave Qingmo behind." Xia Zishang After thinking about it, he said again, "As for the establishment of the crown prince, are you so anxious?"

(End of this chapter)

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