God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 2228 Holy Medicine Gate

Chapter 2228 Holy Medicine Gate

Regardless of other things, as long as Yun Jingyue sees Yun Suxian in pain, she will feel happy!
"Listen to me and go back with me. Xian'er, I know you can't cut off this love, so let me help you." Ji Yongyuan said indifferently.

"I just want to see them for the last time, as long as I see them for the last time, I can break my mind..." Yun Suxian's tears rolled down from her eyes uncontrollably, and she was still fighting for the last time.

"No." Ji Yongyuan refused without hesitation, and his tone was so strong that no one could question it, "Don't forget what you promised me. Now I say what I say."

Ji Yongyuan's strong words finally shattered Yun Suxian's last hope. It was as if all her strength had been taken away from her body, and tears welled up in her eyes. She looked so pitiful that one could just look at her. She couldn't help feeling distressed.

"Don't worry, I have already arranged everything in the holy medicine gate, I believe you will like it." After Ji Yongyuan finished speaking, he pulled Yun Suxian away forcibly.

Xing Yuan looked at this scene with a frown, and seeing Yun Suxian who had no power to resist under Ji Yongyuan's tough attitude, he couldn't help sighing.

This is fate, no one can stop Yun Suxian from leaving.

The subordinates of the Holy Medicine Sect brought by Ji Yongyuan did not forget about Xing Yuan. They saw two equally strong guards supporting Xing Yuan, who was seriously injured, and left the room together.

The originally lively room suddenly became extremely quiet.

With a soft sound, Yun Jingyue quietly pushed open the wardrobe door and walked out.

What happened to Yun Jingyue was not an ordinary blow to Yun Jingyue. It was as if she had knocked over a five-flavored bottle in her heart. All kinds of emotions piled up together, and finally turned into shock!

She really never thought that Yun Suxian was still alive, let alone that she was involved with the head of the Holy Medicine Sect!
You know, the Holy Medicine Sect is the most powerful alchemy sect on the mainland, and its status in the arena is unshakable, especially their head, Ji Yongyuan, is notoriously rebellious and difficult to get along with, and he has never I heard that he was attracted to some woman.

After Yun Jingyue thought of this, the shock that was originally full of her heart turned into deep jealousy.

She couldn't understand, why all those outstanding men liked Yun Suxian?

"What a vixen, who seduces men all day long!" Yun Jingyue gritted her teeth and said this, just in time to glance at the human skin mask and wig on the ground from the corner of her eye.

That's what Yun Suxian used when pretending to be Granny Yi.

Yun Jingyue looked at these things, her heart moved immediately, and then an idea immediately appeared in her mind.

Without hesitation, Yun Jingyue grabbed the human skin mask and wig, and took advantage of the darkness to leave quickly.

Time flies and night falls quietly.

Early the next morning, seeing that Yun Suxian and Xing Yuan hadn't woken up, the maids went to the room to check the situation, only to find that there was no one in Xing Yuan's room, and there was even a fight in Yun Suxian's room Traces, people are also missing.

This scene frightened the maids, and no one dared to delay, and hurriedly reported the matter to Xuanyuan Yelan and Xia Zishang.

In the bedroom, Xuanyuan Yelan and Xia Zishang were having breakfast with their three children.

Yunluo walked in the door in a hurry, looked at several people and reported, "Your Majesty, empress, something is wrong, Granny Yi and Uncle Xing are gone."

(End of this chapter)

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