Chapter 2234 9000 million taels of gold
"Don't worry, Your Majesty, please sit down first, and this old slave will explain to you two slowly." Granny Yi looked at Xuanyuan Yelan and Xia Zishang indifferently, then sat between them, cleared her throat and said, "What is the matter?" Is such that……"

According to what Granny Yi said, her creditor came to collect the debt yesterday, but she and the other party disagreed.

Uncle Xing didn't want to see Granny Yi conflict with others, so she was in charge of negotiating peace. She followed Uncle Xing to the creditor's side. The creditor settled the matter with 9000 million taels of gold.

9000 million taels of gold.As soon as the price was mentioned, even Xia Zishang was surprised.

This is not a small amount, it can be said to be sky-high!

However, Granny Yi was very satisfied with the price, and said with a sigh, "I've thought about it too, I really can't do without the children, and you are so kind to invite me to stay, I also can't bear to part with you. So, as long as you borrow I want money, let me plug this hole first, so I can stay in the palace forever, there is no need to leave."

9000 million taels of gold has already caught up with the total value of the treasures in the treasury.

However, the things in the national treasury should not be moved for personal reasons. If Xuanyuan Yelan and Xia Zishang want to pay this money, they can only pay from the State Teacher's Mansion and the Prince's Mansion.

It's not about money. What Xia Zishang can't figure out is that Granny Yi said before that her debts cannot be settled with money.

Seeing that only a short day and night have passed now, how can this debt be settled with money?
Xuanyuan Yelan was also surprised.

He doesn't care about the money, as long as Granny Yi really needs it, he is even willing to give more to repay Granny Yi's kindness.

But asking him for money so bluntly is not like something Granny Yi can do.

I want to recall that my mother-in-law has always regarded money as something outside of her body. How many times Xuanyuan Yelan felt sorry for Yi's mother-in-law's frugality, and wanted to give her money several times, but she sternly refused them all.

It wasn't until Xuanyuan Yelan was forced to say that if Granny Yi didn't take his money, he would never take medicine again, that Granny Yi was finally forced to accept it.

From then on, Xuanyuan Yelan would give Granny Yi a considerable amount of money every year, enough for Granny Yi to spend recklessly.

But Granny Yi has always been struggling.

But Xuanyuan Yelan gave all the money, and he couldn't care how Granny Yi used the money, so he had to let her go.

He originally thought that Granny Yi had already spent all the money, until when he and Shang'er got married, Granny Yi suddenly gave Xuanyuan Yelan a huge sum of money, saying that it was her share of the money.

And the total amount of money is exactly the total amount of money that Xuanyuan Yelan has given to Granny Yi over the years.

For so many years, Granny Yi didn't spend a penny until finally she saved it up and returned it all to Xuanyuan Yelan.

She is such a person, she always thinks of others, and she will never take other people's money easily.

Moreover, if the matter on Granny Yi's side is really so easy to solve, why did she have to be so distraught before, as if the sky was about to fall?
Seeing that the two were silent, Granny Yi immediately raised her eyebrows, and then asked with a half-smile, "Oh, what's the matter, can you two lend money to me, a bad old woman?"

Xia Zishang and Xuanyuan Yelan didn't answer immediately, because Granny Yi's attitude made them feel even more suspicious.

Afterwards, the two recalled Granny Yi's strange behavior recently, and the way they looked at her changed.

(End of this chapter)

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