God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 2257 The feeling of being protected by my own wife in the palm of my hand is really not bad

Chapter 2257 The feeling of being protected by my own wife in the palm of my hand is really not bad
Xia Zishang walked up the stairs, and gave a general overview of the scenery in the hall.

The hall of the auction house is divided into five floors, and there are many commodities on display on these five floors. These commodities are different. The price on the first floor is the lowest, and the second floor is slightly higher. The higher the floor, the items sold The better the quality, naturally, the higher the price.

Sweeping his eyes over the exhibits on the first and second floors, Xia Zishang didn't have the time to look carefully, so he hurriedly looked away, and then came to the third floor.

Unexpectedly, they had only reached the third floor when a big man guarding the stairs with a gloomy expression raised his eyebrows, and then raised his hand to block Xuanyuan Yelan's face.

"Are you a servant?" The big man looked at Xuanyuan Yelan and said in a rather arrogant tone.

Xuanyuan Yelan's eyes showed a bloodthirsty indifference, and his tone was even more casual, "So what?"

"What else can I do? Starting from the third floor is the VIP area, and servants are not allowed to enter, why don't you hurry and get out of here?" The big man's arrogant face made people look at it, and almost thought he was the one who opened the auction house It seems that he dared to offend the guests so much.

Xuanyuan Yelan curled his lips coldly after hearing the words, and didn't pay attention to the pig-like man in front of him at all.

If you are bitten by a dog, you won't be able to bite back.

Xuanyuan Yelan didn't mind at all, but Xia Zishang couldn't take it anymore, she rushed up with a stride, then raised her hand and slapped the strong man.

This slap was crisp and loud, the big man's eyes turned black, he fell to the ground, and spit out two broken teeth with blood in one mouthful.

"What kind of a dog are you, how dare you show off your power to my people?" Xia Zishang asked condescendingly with a cold face.

The terrifying aura around Xia Zishang made her look like Shura from hell. At this moment, her brows were cold and her eyes were cold, and one glance could almost suffocate her.

She said she should keep a low profile, but that doesn't mean she can let others bully her man!
Yunyan might disdain to argue with this kind of rubbish, but she couldn't bear it.

"Guest officer, calm down." The waiter was also frightened by Xia Zishang's swarming murderous aura, and nodded and said repeatedly, "This is indeed our rule here, and the guest officer is welcome to cooperate."

Compared with the tough man just now, the attitude of the waiter in front of him is obviously easier to accept.

"I don't mind cooperating with your rules, but next time you dare to speak rudely, be careful with your heads." Xia Zishang said coldly.

Seeing that the waiter in the shop hastily agreed to come down in fear, Xuanyuan Yelan stood quietly from the beginning to the end.

I have to say, this feeling of being protected by my wife is really not bad.

"Go, I'll be waiting for you on the second floor." Xuanyuan Yelan said with a light smile.

When looking at Xuanyuan Yelan, the cold look in Xia Zishang's eyes disappeared like smoke in an instant. After nodding, he stepped into the third floor with the waiter.

The big man who had been slapped severely by Xia Zishang curled up his body with all his strength at this moment, not daring to provoke Xia Zishang at all. Seeing Xia Zishang stepping over him, he was so indifferent that he didn't even look at him. Too lazy to give him alms.

Suddenly feeling extremely humiliated, the big man stood up aggressively from the ground, then raised his hand and pointed at Xuanyuan Yelan's nose and cursed, "You bastard, wait for me! How dare you look at my jokes? You know Who am I! I won’t let your kid leave alive today, just wait for your death!”

(End of this chapter)

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