Chapter 2259

The clothes worn by the woman in front of me can only be described as gaudy, but she still thinks she is quite beautiful, and her pretty face is so tormented by her flamboyant attire. Looking at the beaded emerald hair, she first glanced at Xuanyuan Yelan impatiently.

Seeing Xuanyuan Yelan's strong and powerful body unexpectedly, Master Hua quickly raised his eyebrows, and after looking him up and down, his expression seemed to be quite satisfied.

"Master Hua, what's wrong with you?" Cui San suddenly realized something when Hua Zhu kept looking at Xuanyuan Yelan.

He is such an idiot, how could he have forgotten that flower masters have always liked macho men the most, and this man in front of him is taller than him, with a strong figure, wrapped in black clothes all over his body, and the hormones around him are enough to drive all women in the world crazy, Let alone a flamboyant who likes muscular men!

Just as Cui San expected, Master Hua came to Xuanyuan Yelan in one step as if he couldn't see him.

Master Hua's speed was extremely fast, he stood still almost in a blink of an eye, and said excitedly, "Look at these strong muscles, not bad, not bad, really good!"

While speaking, Master Hua's salty pig's hand touched Xuanyuan Yelan.

Master Hua really doesn't treat himself as an outsider, so he can attack as fast as he wants, and he is not polite at all.

Xuanyuan Yelan's impatient eyes glanced coldly over Huazhuzi's face, and took a step back.

There was a cold murderous look in the dark eyes, Xuanyuan Yelan was about to shatter Master Hua's palm, but he never thought that Cui San would actually take a step forward, grabbed Master Hua's hand, and said coquettishly, "Master, do you want me to give you a hand?" Just touch me."

Cui San is Huazhu's most beloved male favorite recently, sweet-talking will come, Huazhu likes him very much, if she sees Cui San being so wronged, Huazhu will definitely coax him immediately.

But at this moment, after comparing Cui San and Xuanyuan Yelan together, Hua Zhu found that Cui San lost all charm in an instant, which made Hua Zhu not interested in touching his muscles.

"Stand aside." After giving Cui San a cold look, Hua Zhu said in an unquestionable tone.

Cui San instantly understood that he had fallen out of favor. He glared at Xuanyuan Yelan angrily, and then obediently stepped aside.

"Young master, I have my eyes on you, and you are allowed to serve by my side." Hua Zhu stared at Xuanyuan Yelan, and she spoke from above, as if she was giving Xuanyuan Yelan some kind of gift.

When the other people around heard the words, they all showed envious expressions.

At this time, everyone was discussing, all pointing at Xuanyuan Yelan and talking non-stop, "Look, Master Hua has found a new man again!"

"This little brother is handsome, much better than that Cui San."

"What's the use of being pretty? Don't you guys understand the temperament of a flower master? She always likes to play games in the world, and this man must not be able to play for a month."

"One month is just one month. Master Hua's grandfather is the third elder of the Holy Medicine Sect. If you play with Master Hua for a while, you will not have to worry about eating and drinking in the next life. Why not do it!" Another person followed suit.

Under the discussion of everyone, Master Hua showed pride on his face, and looked at Xuanyuan Yelan with absolute certainty, as if he had confirmed himself that he would definitely not refuse.

It's a pity that the flower master thought too much.

(End of this chapter)

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