God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 2283 The male servant who hurt their lady

Chapter 2283 The male servant who hurt their lady

"Zhu'er, don't worry, your grandpa loves you the most, and he will definitely find a way for you." Pang stepped forward to comfort him, and winked at Hua Qingzhi, "Master, do you think so?" ?”

"Of course, the old man can't swallow this breath no matter what he says." Hua Qingzhi's eyes flashed a little cold light, and he said with a stern expression, "Actually, I can't blame the old man for this incident, if the elder Xing was not involved Make trouble, the old man has brought him back now!"

Crying and twitching, Hua Zhu didn't understand, "What does this matter have to do with Elder Xing?"

"The thing is like this." After Hua Qingzhi took a deep breath, he quickly explained the whole process to everyone.

"What? The master and servant are actually acquaintances of the elder Xing Da?!" Huazhu's mind naturally showed Xing Yuan's inhumane appearance, and he cried louder, "What should I do? The Great Elder Xing has always been rigid, and he will definitely not help me avenge."

"Zhu'er, don't worry. Although we can't do it blatantly, we can do it behind our backs, and we promise to wash you off." Hua Qingzhi patted Hua Zhu's head and comforted him.

"Daddy, what good idea do you have?" Hua Wuji looked at Hua Qingzhi expectantly and asked.

Hua Qingzhi smiled proudly, "Of course, I have already thought of a countermeasure, so you can rest assured. Zhu'er, don't rush to sleep tonight. When grandpa catches someone, he will bring it to you immediately."

There was an unconcealable excitement in Huazhu's eyes, and she nodded vigorously, "Okay, I will listen to Grandpa."

Here, Xia Zishang and Xuanyuan Yelan took advantage of the time during the day to find a way to buy five Wanyin pills at a high price.

Including the three bought at the auction house yesterday, there are a total of eight ten thousand silver pills, which must be enough for Xia Zishang to study for a while.

After waiting for a day and failing to get Hua Qingzhi to make a move, Xia Zishang studied the formation that the Holy Medicine Sect planned to arrange, and went to bed early with Xuanyuan Yelan, waiting for Hua Qingzhi to come to the door.

The night was getting darker, and at midnight, several figures quickly came out of Huafu, like ghosts, and went straight to the inn where Xia Zishang and Xuanyuan Yelan were staying.

The killers cultivated by Huafu are naturally excellent, they broke into the gate of the inn quietly, and found the room where Xia Zishang and Xuanyuan Yelan were staying after a familiar journey.

The disciples of the Holy Medicine Sect don't have much else in their hands, the most important thing is all kinds of medicines, just like now, the killers quickly threw the pills that can make people fall asleep from their sleeves into the room.

After waiting for a quarter of an hour, the killers reckoned that the medicine would definitely work, and then quietly pushed open the closed door in front of them, and quickly sneaked into the room.

There was still a faint smell of drugs in the room, and the killers had already taken the antidote in advance, so they were not worried about getting caught, but quietly, first went in the direction of Ruan collapse.

There is only one bed in this room, one soft bed, but the master and servant are different, the male servant who hurt their lady should sleep on the soft bed.

The main target this time was Xuanyuan Yelan, and these killers walked towards Ruanta cautiously.

But when they stood in front of the collapse, they couldn't help being stunned by the scene in front of them.

(End of this chapter)

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