God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 2287 Who are you!

Chapter 2287 Who are you!

Hua Zhu didn't see Xuanyuan Yelan and Xia Zishang, but instead saw the guards lying outside the door.

Those were the guards in charge of patrolling. They were all wiped on their necks. Some people even had bleeding bubbles from the bloody cuts in their throats. The warm blood stained the ground red. It was obvious at a glance whether they were dead or not. How long.

Also keenly smelling the smell of blood wafting in the air, Hua Qingzhi's expression immediately changed drastically, and he looked at the two men in black vigilantly in front of him, "Aren't you my killers? Who are you!"

Xuanyuan Yelan flicked his fingers at the right time, and the two spiritual powers turned into chains, and went straight to the grandpa and grandson.

Hua Zhu had no power to resist, and was easily bound tightly by the spiritual power chains. At that moment, the soles of his feet slipped, and then he fell to the ground with a loud noise.

The wound on her face that had finally healed was torn open again because of her heavy fall, and the severe pain swept over her. The painful Huazhu wailed like killing a pig, fell to the ground and rolled wildly, unable to stand for a long time stand up.

"Zhu'er!" Hua Qingzhi's strength is good, he quickly dodged the chain formed by the condensed spiritual power, pulled out the long sword at his waist, and went straight to Xuanyuan Yelan to kill, "You bastard, Don't let go of Zhu'er!"

Xuanyuan Yelan indifferently looked at Hua Qingzhi's ferocious appearance as if he had lost his mind, and with a flick of his fingers, a ball of hellfire shot out, smashing the tough long sword in Hua Qingzhi's hand at once.

The fiery breath spread along the residual sword all the way to the palm of Hua Qingzhi's palm, causing smoke to rise from his palm, and roasted his flesh while breathing.

The terrifying and scorching aura swept across, forcing Hua Qingzhi to throw away the hilt in his hand.

However, the flesh in Hua Qingzhi's palm had already been roasted thoroughly, and it was still smoking at this moment. As he dropped the hilt, a large piece of flesh was directly stuck to the palm of his hand by the hilt, exposing the underside Bright red tender meat.

His eyes turned black from the pain, Hua Qingzhi heard Hua Zhu's howling screams, "Woooooooooo, grandpa, save me!"

There was a burst of tormenting pain on Huazhu's face, the severe pain made her tortured eyes go black, she rolled her eyes and wished she could pass out.

After hearing this, Hua Qingzhi hurried to Hua Zhu.

It's a pity that Hua Qingzhi jumped, and before he could protect Huazhu, the joints of his limbs were easily shattered by the four flying hellfires, and his body suddenly fell to the ground.

Hua Qingzhi's extremities were reddened by the terrible high temperature, making him look like a cooked prawn. His mouth grew wide due to the severe pain of burning, but he was in pain and couldn't make a sound.

The grandfather and grandson were both tortured by the severe pain and almost fainted. They struggled hard, but no matter how hard they struggled, it was futile. Xia Zishang and Xuanyuan Yelan stood not far away, watching slowly and condescendingly. The pathetic look of them struggling.

"You guys, who the hell are you guys!" Hua Qingzhi's joints were all scorched. Although his body could still move, he couldn't stand up, let alone attack. Now he looks like a bug. Can wriggle on the ground miserable.

And Huazhu's situation was not much better, her wound seemed to be split open, her face was bloody and bloody, and she was going crazy from the pain.

"Didn't the third elder invite us to come over?" Xia Zishang took off the scarf covering her face slowly, revealing her alluring face.

(End of this chapter)

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