God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 2291 Did they set up an evil formation?

Chapter 2291 Did they set up an evil formation?
"What do you mean? Did they set up an evil formation?" Xuanyuan Yelan didn't know much about the formation, so he could only look at the two curiously and ask.

If there is evil spirit in the token related to the formation, it can prove that the formation is not decent, otherwise, the token should be hiding spiritual power, not evil spirit.

"If I'm not wrong, the formation they set up should be called Wanzuo Qianqiu formation. This formation is a protective formation, which can protect the entire Holy Medicine City. Only those who contain the energy of the formation can Only those who have identity certificates can move freely within the range covered by the formation. However, to construct the Wanzuo Qianqiu formation, you only need a lot of spiritual power and a few magic tools, and about a month of preparation is enough."

"It's indeed a little strange." The old turtle was also in deep thought, stroking his gray beard, "If you can go and see the formation with your own eyes, you should be able to find the clue."

"The third elder said just now that the formation is in the Xinghe Palace of the Holy Medicine Sect. We can go and see the situation first." Xuanyuan Yelan said.

"Besides, there is another thing that I am very concerned about." Xia Zishang recalled what Hua Qingzhi said just now, looked at the old turtle and said, "The third elder said just now that this formation needs to bring together the power of the sun and the moon. The essence, and it took a lot of people's effort to build it. But normally, the Wanzuo Qianqiu Formation does not need the essence of the sun and the moon to build it, and there may be other tricks in it."

"Then we have to go to the Xinghe Palace as soon as possible. If not, we will be able to stop it if there is another world in this formation." Can we go?"

"Don't worry, according to my inquiries, the elders will go to the Holy Medicine Gate together at sunrise every day, and we will take advantage of that time to sneak in." Xuanyuan Yelan had already planned in advance, his voice After falling, his eyes quickly swept around, seeing that the corpses in the courtyard had been melted and dissipated under the action of the poison, and disappeared into the air completely invisible.

"The corpses here have all melted. There must be no residue left in the inn. Let's go back." Xia Zishang yawned lazily and said sleepily.

Naturally, Xia Zishang was the most important thing in everything, Xuanyuan Yelan nodded, then left with Xia Zishang and returned to the inn.

The next morning, when the morning light first emerged, Xuanyuan Yelan and Xia Zishang were waiting outside the gate of the Holy Medicine Gate.

The Holy Medicine Gate is located in the deepest part of the Holy Medicine City, and behind it is a stretch of mountains, named the Holy Medicine Mountain, which is also a part of the Holy Medicine Gate. It is rumored that there are all kinds of rare and rare medicinal materials in this mountain range owned by the Holy Medicine Gate , and there are even many peerless treasures that are not available in the outside world, and it is the holy place that all alchemists yearn for.

It's just that the Holy Medicine Mountain is also one of the forbidden places of the Holy Medicine Sect. Only the core figures in the Holy Medicine Sect are eligible to enter the mountain. Expelled from the Holy Medicine Sect, for this reason, no disciple has ever dared to step into the Holy Medicine Mountain without authorization.

There are powerful guards outside the gate of the Holy Medicine Gate. They wear military uniforms and hold spears. They carefully inspect the carriages that each elder is riding in, and only after confirming the tokens in their hands will they let them go.

(End of this chapter)

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