God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 2296 The dummy with the puppet charm on his body

Chapter 2296 The dummy with the puppet charm on his body
Jingli: "..."

Leng was speechless and couldn't say a word, Jingli wanted to resist very much.

But in the end Jingli resigned to her fate. After taking a deep breath, she randomly stuffed these people into the Nuwa mirror, and flew away without looking back.

After pretending to be the disciples of the Holy Medicine Gate, Xia Zishang and Xuanyuan Yelan got a new token that allowed them to freely enter and exit most places in the Holy Medicine Gate, and then the two quickened their pace and walked towards the Xinghe Palace .

At the same time, Jing Li was looking for Yun Suxian's breath, and soon came to the palace where Yun Suxian lived.

Floating cautiously on the roof, Jingli circled around the roof of the palace, then gasped in bewilderment, "It's strange, why is the aura of recalling mother-in-law so weak?"

It is true that Yun Suxian's breath was felt in the palace, but Jingli felt that the breath was very weak.

You know, only seriously injured or dying people can have such a weak breath...

A cold light suddenly appeared on the mirror surface of Nuwa's magic mirror, and Jingli's panicked voice sounded, "Could it be that something happened to Yimama?"

Immediately recalling that Grandma Yi was so reluctant to leave the palace before, Jingli suddenly had a bad feeling in her heart.

Could it be that in order to force Grandma Yi, those people deliberately oppressed Grandma Yi to stay, and in the end, Grandma Yi was injured?

Feeling that her guess was very reasonable, Jingli didn't dare to delay any longer, she quickly and carefully floated down, and broke into the palace with the open window.

The palace was pitch black. I don’t know if it was because it was too early and Yun Suxian in the room hadn’t gotten up yet, so the windows and doors in the palace were all covered with thick curtains. There were no maids or attendants in the huge palace. And Yun Suxian's aura came from the direction of the bedroom in the inner room.

Jing Li did not go to the bedroom immediately, but carefully observed the surrounding situation.

The huge palace was so quiet that even a needle could be clearly heard falling to the ground. Apart from being so quiet that it was almost eerie, there seemed to be nothing unusual.

Jingli always felt that things were not that simple, so she manipulated Nuwa's magic mirror and headed towards the bedroom.

The sleeping hall was also very dark, except for a moonlight gem placed in front of the bed. At this time, a faint light like a cold moon glowed around the gem, and behind the thick bed curtain, one could faintly see a figure.

If nothing else, it would be Yun Suxian.

Jingli sensed Yun Suxian's faint aura, fearing that something might happen, she didn't dare to delay and flew forward, she lifted the curtain of the bed and rushed in.

Who knew that Jingli was always careful, but she still didn't expect that when she touched the bed curtain, she suddenly touched a silk thread connected to the bed curtain.

An inaudible sound sounded, and the silk thread quietly broke into two halves.

Looking carefully, the other end of the silk thread was tied to the moonlight gemstone at the head of the bed. At this moment, the gemstone moved slightly, and then with a crisp sound, it suddenly fell off the table and fell to the ground.

The gem was torn apart, and Jingli could see clearly the person lying on the bed.

The person lying in the bed is not Yun Suxian, but a dummy wearing Yun Suxian's clothes and a puppet charm on his body!

Jingli was terrified, and when she realized that she had been tricked, she turned around and was about to fly away, but unexpectedly, a formation appeared on the ground, and then a strong light of spiritual power that could penetrate everything shot out, heading straight for the Godly Mirror of Nuwa. come!

(End of this chapter)

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