God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 2299 is the concubine he misses

Chapter 2299 is the concubine he misses

Originally, Xia Zishang followed Xuanyuan Yelan all the way forward, on the way to Xinghe Palace, until she felt that the connection between herself and Jingli was suddenly disconnected.

The footsteps that were rushing forward stopped suddenly, Xia Zishang carefully felt Jingli's aura, and after confirming that she could not sense it, she couldn't help frowning and said, "The aura belonging to Jingli suddenly disappeared..."

"What?" Looking at Xia Zishang suspiciously, Xuanyuan Yelan stopped, "What's going on?"

"I don't know either. But logically speaking, there is a contract between me and Jingli, and I can feel his situation at all times, but now I can't feel anything." After carefully feeling it, Xia Zishang found that The aura of Jingli really seemed to disappear like a stone sinking into the ocean, and it disappeared completely without leaving any trace...

"It seems that something happened." Seeing Xia Zishang's worried face, Xuanyuan Yelan raised his hand and gently put his arms around her arm, "Don't worry, I'll go find it with you."

Mingming Xinghe Palace is not far away, but Xia Zishang had to go to Jingli.

Jingli's aura suddenly disappeared, it must not be accidental, she can't be careless.

"Jingli must have had an accident when she was looking for her concubine again. Let's go and have a look." Xia Zishang said hastily.

Xuanyuan Yelan nodded, and together with Xia Zishang quickened his pace, the two of them followed the aura that belonged to Yun Suxian, and headed towards the palace.

After a while, the two came near the palace.

Clearly feeling the breath floating in the surrounding air, Xia Zishang stopped, "Why is there something wrong with the breath here?"

After hearing Xia Zishang's words, Xuanyuan Yelan quickly stopped as if he had discovered something, then raised his hand, and pointed to the eaves of the building on the left, letting him Xia Zishang saw a guard lurking in the dark.

Immediately understood that there was a trap in the palace, Xia Zishang was even more worried about Jingli.

Jingli has always been straightforward, so don't be fooled by others.

Quietly bypassing the surrounding guards who were in charge of ambush, Xia Zishang and Xuanyuan Yelan moved faster and sneaked into the bedroom.

Taking out the night pearl to light up the dark bedroom, Xuanyuan Yelan looked in the direction of the bed.

The bed curtain had been put down again, Xuanyuan Yelan felt the breath coming from the bed, and looked at the beautiful figure revealed through the bed curtain.

Knowing that there must be an ambush in the sleeping hall, Xuanyuan Yelan knew better that the person lying on the bed at this time was probably not his mother and concubine, but his heart couldn't help but move, and he still hoped that the figure on the bed at this time , is really the concubine he misses so much.

"There is an aura of Jingli here, so it must have been here." Xia Zishang glanced at Xuanyuan Yelan's expression from the corner of her eye, and immediately comforted her, "You are waiting for me here, let me go. "

However, Xuanyuan Yelan didn't agree with what Xia Zishang said, but clasped her fingers together, and said with a light smile, "No, let's go together."

Sensing that there was still a strange trace of spiritual power in the air that belonged to others, Xuanyuan Yelan naturally couldn't let Xia Zishang take risks.

Xia Zishang didn't stop her after hearing the words, but nodded and strode closer to the bed.

There are indeed formations left on the ground, and Xia Zishang glanced at the residue of the moonlight gem on the ground and the broken silk thread as thin as a hair, so she could guess what happened just now.

Xuanyuan Yelan carefully lifted the curtain of the bed.

(End of this chapter)

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