God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 2317 Do you know, who are those 2 people you met today?

Chapter 2317 Do you know, who are those two people you met today?

Hurriedly returning to the inner palace of Xinghe Palace, Master Tianlin searched around, but did not see Xuanyuan Yelan and Xia Zishang.

Master Tianlin frowned in confusion, grabbed a passing onmyoji, and asked with a straight face, "I ask you, where did those two onmyoji go just now?"

Master Tianlin is ruthless, and everyone in Xinghe Palace is not afraid of him. At this time, after receiving a fierce stare from him, the onmyoji shrank his neck in fear, and subconsciously replied, "Qi Master Tianlin, those two people should have already left."

"What? Without my consent, who allowed them to leave?!" Master Tianlin's eyes almost burst into flames, and he roared angrily.

Frightened by Master Tianlin's ferocious appearance, the onmyoji shrank his neck in fear, his tone sounded very pitiful, and he murmured a little at a loss, "But, but those two onmyoji were not qualified to enter the inner chamber." Palace, so it's right to leave, we didn't stop them and let them leave."

"Useless things, you can't even look down on a person." Master Tianlin's eyes flashed a cold light, and he raised his hand as he spoke, wanting to slap the person in front of him, but after thinking about it, he felt that it was not worth it. When beating someone because of this kind of thing, he hurt his hand instead, so the raised hand was lowered again, and in the end he had no choice but to give up.

"I warn you, no one can leave without my order in the future, do you understand?!" Master Tianlin said with gnashing of teeth with raging anger in his eyes.

"Yes..." Startled by Master Tianlin's terrifying expression, the onmyoji said without daring to raise his head.

After seeing this scene, Master Tianlin was finally satisfied, turned around angrily and threw his sleeves away, "I'm tired and need a good rest, all of you are waiting outside, don't let anyone disturb me."

"Yes!" The onmyoji watched Master Tianlin leave, and couldn't help but let out a long breath.

It was very late at this time, and when Master Tianlin returned to the room, it was already dark in the room.

In order to deal with the charms in Yun Suxian's body, Master Tianlin expended a lot of energy. At this moment, he felt tired all over his body and couldn't help but sigh, "Who are those two people just now...? If I knew it, I should have specialized Tell your subordinates not to let those two people leave. But they are really a bunch of trash, I don’t know how to do it unless I say it, it’s really useless.”

Master Tianlin walked into the depths of the room while speaking, but before he could speak, a black shadow flashed over and blocked him.

Meeting a pair of blue and green pupils, Master Tianlin recognized who the old man suddenly appeared in front of him, his face turned pale with fright, and before he could speak, he was slapped across the face.

With a crisp sound, Tianlin was slapped and let out an earth-shattering scream, and then he fell heavily on the ground and spent a long time trying to stand up, but he couldn't stand up. He could only roll his eyes in pain, and turned his head to look in horror. He glanced at the old man behind him, "Respect, elder, this subordinate made a mistake, please forgive me."

At this moment, Tianlin looked at the old man as if he had met a god of death, and the handsome look just now disappeared, and he covered his face in horror.

Tianlin found that his face was split open by the old man's slap, and the blood kept gushing out as if he didn't want money.

"Useless things." Zun Lao's hoarse voice that was neither male nor female echoed in the air like a spell, "Do you know who those two people you met today are?"

(End of this chapter)

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