God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 2325 Ji Yongyuan's affection is no longer a secret

Chapter 2325 Ji Yongyuan's affection is no longer a secret

Yun Suxian also looked up at herself in the glasses.

Ruyu's face was so beautiful that it was unreal, but those eyes were like a pool of stagnant water, without any waves.

After hooking the corners of her lips with a wry smile, Yun Suxian turned her head and looked at the maids behind her, "Did the Great Elder look for me?"

Luo Ying and the others were a little strange, thinking that at this critical moment, shouldn't Yun Suxian ask where the head is?Why go to ask the elder instead?

But the maids didn't dare to say much, they could only answer Yun Suxian's question honestly.

"Madam Qi, the First Elder has been preparing for today's big wedding since midnight last night. If there is no accident, he should still be busy." Luo Ying replied.

Yun Suxian pursed her lips when she heard the words, and there was a hint of sadness in her eyes.

Yesterday, Xing Yuan was indeed asked for help, and Yun Suxian also believed in his ability to handle affairs.

Now, Yun Yan and Chang'er should have left.

Thinking of this, the corners of Yun Suxian's lips evoked a lonely smile.

"Madam, the auspicious time has come, let's go." Luo Ying looked at Yun Suxian and reminded her softly.

Yun Suxian finally took a deep look at herself in the glasses, and finally withdrew her gaze, "Okay, let's go."

There were already eight sedan chairs waiting for Yun Suxian outside the door. Everyone saw the round pearl bead curtain hanging in front of Yun Suxian. At this time, with Luo Ying's support, they got into the sedan chair and headed towards the main hall all the way.

In the main hall, many guests and Ji Yongyuan have been waiting for a long time.

Accompanied by the morning light, the fiery red sedan chair came from afar, and finally stopped steadily at the entrance of the main hall, while a beautiful figure slowly stepped down from the sedan chair.

When the guests saw Yun Suxian, they couldn't help being surprised for a moment.

Although they have long heard that Yun Suxian captured Ji Yongyuan's heart by virtue of her appearance, but now it seems that Yun Suxian's face is even more beautiful than the guests imagined. She seems to be a clear spring, and existence itself is enough Nourishing people's hearts, not to mention that she is as beautiful as a fairy.

Ji Yongyuan stood outside the hall waiting for the lady he was thinking of, and proudly listened to the exclamations of the people around him.

Enjoying the way everyone sighed after being amazed by Yun Suxian, Ji Yongyuan also looked at Yun Suxian with a bright smile, and there was a deep obsession in his eyes.

He looked at this woman who had amazed him more than ten years ago and waited so hard until today, and stretched out her hand affectionately, "Xian'er, I have been waiting for you for a long time."

Glancing at the smiling man in front of her, Yun Suxian didn't speak, but felt that her throat was blocked by something, a strong sense of powerlessness swept over her whole body, and after she was silent for a while, she still chose to raise her voice. Come, put your own hand in Ji Yongyuan's.

Seeing this scene, Ji Yongyuan was overjoyed, he quickly took Yun Suxian's arm, and joined hands with Yun Suxian into the hall.

As soon as this talented and beautiful couple stepped into the hall, they immediately aroused the amazement of everyone present. Everyone was saying congratulatory words, and the atmosphere was extremely harmonious. wife."

"It should be said that Ms. Yun is very lucky to be loved by the head of the sect all the time. I heard that the head of the sect has done a lot for Ms. Yun. It is really touching to hear it!" Ji Yongyuan's deep affection is no longer a secret. , attracted the envy of many women present.

(End of this chapter)

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