God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 2531 That child must be our allure

Chapter 2531 That child must be our allure
The husband and wife on the second floor were full of concern. They were so hot that they were at a loss for what to do. She was not used to the care of strangers, especially the concern of the two people in front of her. She was even more at a loss. , turned around and left in a hurry.

"Qingcheng..." Xia Zishang wanted to chase subconsciously, but abruptly stopped at the critical moment, glaring coldly at Beiye Lengyue who was surrounded by people below with murderous eyes.

"I can't keep this woman." Xuanyuan Yelan could see what Xia Zishang was thinking at a glance. He and Xia Zishang had the same thoughts, and they both felt that Beiye Lengyue was a disaster.

"That child must be our Qingcheng, but why can't she recognize us?" Xia Zishang was so heartbroken that she could hardly breathe, she wanted to rush out immediately to catch up with Qingcheng, hug and kiss her baby.

However, from Qingcheng's eyes just now, she read a strong resistance, and it was very clear that Qingcheng was not willing to accept her.

"That child's bloody eyes are very strange. Besides, everyone calls her Little Princess, and also says she is Bei Yeting's child?" Xuanyuan Yelan's eyes were fierce, and a cold murderous look burst out from the bottom of his eyes, "Our daughter , when she became his daughter, he must have done something to Qingcheng."

"I must make him pay for his life." Xia Zishang doesn't need to investigate. As a mother, she can recognize her child, and she can be sure that the Princess Chunxi that everyone was talking about just now was abducted by her Allure!

"Not only Bei Yeting, but also the woman downstairs." Xuanyuan Yelan's tone was so cold that it was about to freeze, "The needle she stabbed Qingcheng today, she will have to pay back thousands of times in the future! "

They can't do anything now. First of all, their first priority is to investigate the Prince Regent's Mansion.

In addition, Beiye Lengyue had just clashed with Qingcheng on the front foot, and they disposed of her on the back foot, which would definitely cause Qingcheng a lot of trouble.

They don't understand the situation now, so they can't act rashly.

Naturally, when they figured out the truth, Beiye Lengyue could not escape death.

Thinking of this, the husband and wife couldn't care less about eating, they hurriedly threw a silver ingot on the table as meal money, and then hurriedly left Heyun Tower, just in time to see Qingcheng and the others getting into the carriage, the carriage was faint drove out.

Concealing the breath and quickening the pace, the two followed the carriage closely.

Inside the carriage, Qingcheng rolled up her sleeves.

A wound the size of a needle eye was left on Qingcheng's elbow. At this time, intense pain continued to seep out of it, and Qingcheng frowned secretly in pain.

"Princess, are you injured?" An Yun saw Qingcheng's strangeness, his expression changed immediately, and he found the slightly invisible wound on her arm.

"Beiye Lengyue seemed to prick me with a needle just now." Qingcheng said, pouted her mouth unhappily, her voice sounded as much aggrieved as she wanted, "It hurts so much."

At that moment, Mu Xin and An Yunqu were all in distress, especially Mu Xin, with tears in his eyes, choked up and said, "Miss is really going too far, and she still stabs people with needles? Why is she so vicious?" !"

Pricking someone with a needle is the most inconspicuous, but the wound the size of the needle eye, although painful, will not bleed a lot. After a while, the wound will heal, and at most it will only leave a bruise the size of a finger. It's easy to see, but only the injured person knows what kind of pain it is.

"Princess, why didn't you say that just now?" An Yun asked suspiciously.

(End of this chapter)

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