God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 2842 He is my savior!

Chapter 2842 He is my savior!
The Xia Zishang at this time was completely different from the Xia Zishang in Bei Yeting's impression, which made him subconsciously stop his movements, and saluted respectfully, "See Your Highness the Princess."

Xia Zishang, on the other hand, rushed towards Yun Yu without even looking at Bei Yeting.

There were large and small wounds on Yun Yu's body, and they were still oozing blood at this moment, Xia Zishang's heart was clenched into a ball, wishing that it was her who was hurt, and not her precious son!
Yun Yu also looked at the girl who was running towards him, looking at her pair of phoenix eyes filled with tenderness and distress, her eyes lit up immediately, "Mother..."

"Hush." ​​Knowing what Yun Yu wanted to say, Xia Zishang immediately raised her hand to cover her lips, preventing Yun Yu from saying what she couldn't say.

Yun Yu nodded again and again, and quickly closed her mouth obediently, but her eyes were full of ecstasy, looking at Xia Zishang and his mother expectantly and excitedly!

"Yun Yu, are you hurt? Or where does it hurt, where is it uncomfortable?" Xia Zishang looked at Yun Yu worriedly, raised her hand and gently touched Yun Yu's head, and asked with concern .

"I'm fine, I'm fine." Yun Yu looked at Xia Zishang obediently and said with a smile.

"Stupid child." Xia Zishang raised his hand and touched Yun Yu's head, his heart felt like a knife was piercing him for a moment, and he wanted to transfer all the wounds on Yun Yu's body to her.

As a mother, the most despicable thing is that your child is injured. Every wound on Yun Yu's body now seems to have cut Xia Zishang's heart, so she couldn't help holding her son's little hand , for a while to comfort.

"Your Highness, absolutely not, he is a little monster who has killed countless people of our tribe!" Bei Yeting was taken aback, and hurriedly tried to stop Xia Zishang from approaching Yun Yu, but unexpectedly, his words came in exchange for it. Xia Zishang's sharp eye.

The sharp eye knife swept across like a sharp blade, and Bei Yeting was so frightened that he fell silent for a moment, unable to speak a word.

"I know exactly what I'm doing, but does the Fourth Prince know what you're doing?" Xia Zishang's eyes were beating with raging anger, and he said coldly, "The child you are hurting now is my savior! "

"What? This is impossible..." Bei Yeting was so surprised that he couldn't believe what he heard.

Not to mention that Bei Yeting couldn't believe it, Yun Yu couldn't believe it either, he raised his head and blinked his eyes in confusion, looking at his mother, he couldn't figure out what happened to his mother's so-called savior?

What Xia Zishang said was naturally a lie, but she couldn't show it, so she could only say coldly, "Yun Yu is a good friend of this palace, but because of his identity, this palace didn't tell the world about his identity. Yesterday, this palace When Gong and him were playing near Xiangtang, Ben Gong accidentally slipped and fell into the water. It was Yun Yu who rescued Ben Gong, and Ben Gong was looking for him in private. Hurt him, but do you want to piss me off?"

After Xia Zishang finished speaking, she cast a cold glance at Bei Yeting, her whole body was so calm and intimidating that Bei Yeting and the others dared not raise their heads.

"Of course I don't dare. I don't know about it, so I ask Your Royal Highness to forgive me." Bei Yeting was terrified, so he quickly lowered his head and said cautiously.

"Capital crimes are inevitable, but living crimes are inevitable." Xia Zishang looked at Bei Yeting with raging anger in his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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