God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 2856 Spiritual Imprint

Chapter 2856 Spiritual Imprint
While speaking, the dead head had already rolled up his sleeves, raised his palm like a cattail leaf fan, and was always ready to go, just waiting to pounce on Qing Yun and others to give a severe lesson.

"Eldest brother..." The others in the Inorganic Sect felt a little apprehensive when they saw Xia Zishang and the others being aggressive.

No wonder they are afraid, they have suffered a lot of injuries along the way, and their strength has been compromised.

What's more, in front of them are all powerful elders from various sects. Among them, the strength of Xuanyuan Yelan and Xia Zishang is needless to say. It can be said that everyone on the mainland knows everyone. Whoever dares to provoke them, that is court death.

"What are you afraid of?" Qing Yun was dissatisfied, and after glaring at his juniors fiercely, a cold smile was drawn on the corner of his lips, and he said proudly, "I have already relied on the master to give My treasure has my spiritual mark on the artifact, now as long as I move my mind, this artifact is mine, and no one can stop me!"

While speaking, Qing Yun raised his hand and waved, a dark imprint of the Inorganic Gate suddenly appeared on the surface of the silver ball of light, and a strange smoke appeared on the imprint, and the smoke was like a silk thread, connecting Qing Yun and the silver light. The ball is exactly the spiritual imprint that Qing Yun said.

"Sure enough, there is a mark..." Qu Bailu sighed, and his face suddenly became extremely ugly.

Not only Qu Bailu, but everyone in the room knew very well that once a weapon is marked by a human, it will recognize that person as its owner, and it will be as difficult as heaven to snatch it back!

"This damned Inorganic Sect master is actually ready for this step!" Elder Changchun clenched his fists angrily.

"Eldest brother is right. Now that the artifact is in our possession, what do we have to be afraid of?" At this time, a man in a blue suit stood up among the crowd of Wuwumen, and his eyes swept across , shouted menacingly, "If you know each other, then go away obediently, otherwise, after the artifact is born, you won't be able to run away even if you want to!"

Before the man finished speaking, Xia Zishang raised his hand and swung the whip, which turned into an afterimage, and knocked him to the ground with a slap of the whip.

With a scream, half of the man in Tsing Yi's face was pulled away by Xia Zishang, the intense dull pain hit his nerves, blood flowed from the wound, and the man in Tsing Yi rolled back and forth on the ground in pain, screaming continuously Howling in the air.

"Just because of you, you also want to subdue the artifact?" Xia Zishang played with the purple long whip in his hand slowly, and Xia Zishang laughed mockingly, "The artifact has always been arrogant, you guys, I'm afraid it won't like it."

"How dare you underestimate us!" Qing Yun only felt that he had been greatly humiliated. He ground his teeth and said angrily, "Okay, I will take away this artifact today, and let you know how powerful I am!"

As soon as the words fell, the spiritual power in Qing Yun's body was tumbling crazily, and the other disciples of the Inorganic Sect followed suit. The aura of several people turned into a whirlwind and spread rapidly in the form of ripples, and the terrifying aura was overwhelming everyone's shoulders like Mount Tai.

"This aura is indeed not right. It seems that what the yellow sand monsters said is true, they are really hiding their strength!" Mr. Yueqing gritted his teeth secretly, and said angrily.

Qingyun's strength is already comparable to that of the elders of the sect!
However, Young Master Yueqing felt puzzled immediately, squinting his eyes and constantly looking at these disciples of Wuwumen, and found that most of them were fresh faces that he had never seen before.

(End of this chapter)

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