God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 2858 I don't want to listen to the orders of a stinky man like you

Chapter 2858 I don't want to listen to the order of a stinky man like you
Although it is still the calm and pure breath, the breath of the light ball seems to be unwilling to be manipulated by others. Even if Qing Yun is aggressive, it is still not affected by Qing Yun's emotions. With such indifference, the light ball The light on the ceiling flickered twice, and the coldness just now disappeared completely, as if it was just an illusion of everyone.

Everyone present fell into a deathly silence.

"I don't want to listen to the orders of a stinky man like you." The immature and clear child's voice quickly echoed in the air, and then, a small silver hand suddenly stretched out from the light ball, scaring everyone. jumped.

"Then, is that a hand?" Qu Bailu was stunned, only feeling horrified, her voice trembling uncontrollably, "Whose hand is that?!"

"Of course it belongs to my concubine!" The light ball actually responded to Qu Bailu, and then the little hand seemed to tear off something dirty, and directly tore off Qing Yun's spiritual imprint.

Everyone: "..."

After the mental imprint was torn off, it became invisible and disappeared, and Qing Yun's hysterical screams came from the ball of light.

Xia Zishang couldn't help frowning, knowing very well that the artifact just forcibly obliterated Qing Yun's spiritual imprint, and such an act was a near-destructive blow to the owner of the imprint, no wonder Qing Yun screamed so loudly.

"Get out of here!" After the ball of light moved, Qing Yun was spit out, and the terrifying force caused his body to circle in the air, fly over the heads of the crowd, and finally hit the ground , There was a muffled sound that was painful to the flesh, and several bones were shattered at once.

Hearing the crisp sound of broken bones, everyone looked at Qing Yun at the same time, and they saw that Qing Yun's limbs were all broken, and he was lying on the ground twisted, with his eyes rolled, and passed out.

Everyone was still in shock and didn't recover, and the light ball here was still complaining dissatisfiedly, "Humph, you want to bully my concubine with just such a thing? Humph, don't think about it!"

"Mother, look, this artifact can actually talk." Qingcheng had never seen a talking artifact before, and she couldn't help being curious and wanted to get closer to the artifact.

Gong Wuxie quickly gave Qingcheng a hand, then shook her head solemnly, "No."

This artifact can talk to them, which shows that it has already developed a very complete spiritual intelligence. This kind of artifact is far more cunning than ordinary artifacts, and its temper is worse and unpredictable. It is better not to approach it without authorization.

"I have been in this world for a long time, so I can speak naturally, nothing new." Said so, the tone of the artifact was quite proud, and then complained, "I thought I had finally waited for something that would satisfy me. A predestined person, who would have thought that this kind of rubbish would actually want to subdue a concubine? It's just a daydream."

The arrogant tone of the artifact made everyone's eyes change accordingly, and they were staring at the silver ball of light with condensed expressions, and their expressions became more cautious.

Sure enough, this artifact was more difficult than they had imagined, and it was no easy task to conquer it.

"In that case, you don't plan to cooperate with us, and you have been subdued obediently." Xuanyuan Yelan asked coldly with hellfire in his palm.

"Only the concubine chooses the master, there is no reason for others to subdue the concubine! Moreover, the concubine doesn't like fierce men like you! I also don't like you boring adults. If I want to choose the concubine, I just choose the young one." Children!" The artifact chuckled, squinted his eyes and said, "It's just right, these three children are all my favorites, why don't we accept them all together!"

(End of this chapter)

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