God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 2862 Queen Empress is really amazing

Chapter 2862 Queen Empress is really amazing

However, the long corridor was empty, and there was no figure of the phantom cloud beast anywhere.

"What's the situation? The phantom cloud beast must have escaped, right?" The dead man asked cautiously with a look of anxiety on his face.

"If it could run, wouldn't it have already run away? It was just worried that we would come to retaliate, so it hid it on purpose." Jingli's voice sounded out of thin air, and said to Xia Zishang, "Zishang, let me go Come out, and I'll help you find it."

"Okay." After Xia Zishang took out the Nuwa mirror, Jingli's figure flickered and appeared in front of everyone out of thin air.

Seeing Jingli strolling in place holding the Nuwa mirror in his hand, looking for the phantom cloud beast, Elder Changchun looked at Xia Zishang with envy in his eyes, "The empress is really powerful, let alone other things, just It is said that these treasures on her body are all rare and exquisite, and ordinary people can't ask for them!"

"Of course, what kind of person the empress is, of course she is different from us." Qu Bailu said at the end, her tone was quite proud, as if everyone praised her, not Xia Zishang.

However, Elder Changchun was already deeply impressed by Xia Zishang's strength, so he didn't think there was anything wrong with what Qu Bailu said.

And here, Jingli is holding the Nuwa God Mirror, and a soft light is projected on the mirror surface. With Jingli's movements, the light quickly sweeps towards the surroundings, and soon sweeps across the corridor with the mirror light. When it was only a pillar, the phantom cloud beast actually appeared on the empty pillar.

What was waiting was for the Magic Cloud Beast to show up, without even needing Jingli to say anything, Xia Zishang flicked the spirit whip to tie up the Magic Cloud Beast that was trying to escape, and dragged it off the pillar forcibly .

"Hey, hello!" Huanyun Beast fell to the ground all of a sudden, and suddenly fell to the ground, staring at the stars, watching Xia Zishang and the others standing in front of it, the whole beast suddenly turned pale. Okay, "You, you don't mess around, we have something to discuss."

Faintly taking the cowardice of the Huan Yun Beast into his eyes, Xuanyuan Yelan looked cold, "Why did you just focus on me and Chang'er as your test objects?"

The four of you, Young Master Yueqing, were also very curious, stretching their necks and waiting for the phantom cloud beast to speak.

"I'm really sorry, I'm afraid it's inconvenient for the four of you to hear what I'm going to say next, so please avoid suspicion." Jing Li has always been comprehensive, but now she came forward with a smile and said, looking harmlessly at the four of them.

"We're just purely curious..." How could Qu Bailu be willing to leave like this, she looked at Jingli expectantly, as if she hoped that Jingli would be a little more accommodating.

Jingli was just a young boy, but he was full of courage. He didn't speak, but just gave the four of them a cold look. His eyes were full of warning, and obviously they couldn't discuss it.

"Miss Qu, let's go, this family doesn't have a little secret." After saying this, Elder Chang Chun and Old Man Shi Huo were afraid that they would provoke Jing Li and hurriedly dragged Qu Bailu away, dragging him away .

"We'll go to the garden and wait for everyone." Young Master Yueqing was very discerning. After saying this, he nodded to Jingli, and then walked towards the garden one step at a time.

After seeing these people leave, Jingli's heart that had been hanging in his throat finally let go, and then looked in the direction where the Phantom Cloud Beast was.

(End of this chapter)

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