God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 2865 Rubbed his flushed face that was photographed by Qingcheng

Chapter 2865 Rubbed his flushed face that was photographed by Qingcheng
"The Illusory Cloud Beast said it was because of a whim, and our family is family at first glance, and it uses humanity and emotions to arrange illusions, so it chose us." Xia Zishang said without blushing. lie.

"It turns out that's the case, so it can be explained." Mr. Yueqing nodded clearly, and asked, "Then about the princess...?"

"There is no way to intervene, but to wait." Xuanyuan Yelan was worried, obviously not satisfied with the result, but there was no better way to solve the matter.

As parents, they are most worried about their children. Xuanyuan Yelan and Xia Zishang want to always take care of Qingcheng. Even though they know that the artifact will not harm Qingcheng's life, they still worry about what they should worry about.

"It's okay, the princess is smart, she will definitely complete the test of the artifact, and she will definitely get the artifact when the time comes." Elder Changchun quickly comforted her.

"That's right, and Mr. Lengxie is also here. Although he is young, he is very strong, and he will definitely protect the princess well." The old man Shi Huo also hurriedly said.

"Thank you." Xuanyuan Yelan nodded, and then sat down with Xia Zishang and the two children first.

After the four of Mr. Yueqing looked at each other in dismay, they had no choice but to sit down, and the group waited silently.

At the same time, within the space of the artifact.

When Qingcheng was asleep, she felt that someone was poking her face with a sharp object. It hurt a little, but it was more itchy.

"Woooooh, little master, open your eyes quickly!" Hearing the voice of the chicken in his ear, Qingcheng opened his eyes in confusion, just in time to see the bright and sharp mouth of the chicken, It was hanging right in front of her eyes, and it was about to fall.

"Wait a minute!" screamed quickly, Qingcheng was so frightened that the hairs on his back trembled, and hurriedly asked, "Chicken, what are you doing?"

"Master is awake? Hooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo L L L L L L , you've finally woken up!" Chick cried with snot and tears. , I'm really scared!"

Hearing Jizai crying sadly, Qingcheng tilted his head unsteadily, and was about to ask Jizai who that man was, when he saw Gong Wuxie lying not far away from him.

At this time, they were in the dense forest, surrounded by a towering tree, and there were many scars on their bodies, and there were leaves in their hair, which obviously fell from the sky.

However, this is not the key point, the key point is that Gong Wuxie slept not far from her, and he had more wounds, obviously he protected her first when he fell from a high altitude.

"Brother Lengxie, you can't die!" Qingcheng hurriedly crawled to Gong Wuxie's side, and then slapped Gong Wuxie's face violently.

"Stop beating, I'm awake." Gong Wuxie quietly opened his eyes, then looked at Qingcheng beside him with complicated eyes, and raised his hand to rub his flushed face that was slapped by Qingcheng.

"Great, Brother Lengxie, you're awake! Are you feeling uncomfortable?" Qingcheng asked very nervously.

Gong Wuxie thought about it carefully, "Does pain in the face count?"

After hearing what Gong Wuxie said, Qingcheng stuck out her tongue quietly, "I'm sorry, Brother Lengxie, I thought you passed out, so I was in a hurry to wake you up."

"It's okay." After Gong Wuxie finished speaking, she looked around and frowned, "Where are we?"

(End of this chapter)

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