God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 2867 Have you conquered artifacts before?

Chapter 2867 Have you conquered artifacts before?

"I think there's something wrong with this artifact. It's so big here. Where can we find it?" Chick looked around and found that this place is really not that big. There are dense forests in all directions. No, what is the difference between looking for something in such a large place and finding a needle in a haystack?
"The internal environment of the artifact is similar. The artifact here can often take the form of a human or an animal. We can start in the direction where the aura is most vigorous. The phantom transformed by the consciousness of the artifact is likely to be there." As Gong Wuxie said, she closed her eyes and felt the atmosphere around her, then raised her finger and pointed to the southeast direction, "This is the direction with the most abundant spiritual power, and the artifact should be there."

After Gong Wuxie finished speaking, she clearly felt Qingcheng's eyes.

Looking down at Qingcheng, Gong Wuxie met Qingcheng's eyes full of surprise.

"Wow, Brother Lengxie, aren't you too powerful?" Qingcheng looked at Gong Wuxie admiringly, with curiosity written all over her face, and asked impatiently, "Brother Lengxie, how do you know this? Something? Have you ever subdued an artifact before?"

Gong Wuxie pursed her lips, and averted her eyes unnaturally, "I'm also interested in artifacts, so I've studied them before."

"Really?" Qingcheng believed Gong Wuxie's words without hesitation, and said seriously, "In this case, let's hurry up and find that artifact, and when we find it, I will give it to brother Leng Xie!"

"Little master, are you crazy? That's a magic weapon!" Ji Zai looked at Qingcheng in surprise, the expression of surprise was written all over his face.

No wonder Chick is so surprised, thinking that this artifact is such a treasure that no one can ask for it. The prodigal little master of his family is good, and he will give it away if he says it. People are jealous!
Qingcheng didn't take it seriously, "What happened to the artifact? I don't care."

Gong Wuxie smiled helplessly when she heard the words.

Not to mention that the artifact is now looking at Qingcheng, and he has no shortage of artifacts, so why do he need something from a little girl.

"Look for the artifact first, and wait until the artifact is found." Gong Wuxie said flatly.

Of course Qingcheng would not object, she nodded obediently and agreed, then followed Gong Wuxie all the way forward, and quickly chased in the direction where the artifact was located.

There is no danger in this stretch of forest, but it is very large and the terrain is steep.

The most surprising thing is that there is still day and night in this space. After walking all the way for a day, when the sun was setting, the two found an open space to rest.

With a blazing bonfire in front of him, Qingcheng ate dry food bite by bite. Looking at the sky that had completely darkened, he couldn't help saying sadly, "This is the first time I've been away from my father and mother for so long. Worrying about me."

Gong Wuxie was much calmer, and casually threw the branch into the fire, "Don't worry so much, at most we can find the artifact tomorrow, and then we can leave."

"Yeah." When Qingcheng was speaking, she raised her little hand and rubbed her eyes, then yawned lazily and said, "Brother Lengxie, I'm a little sleepy..."

"Sleep if you're sleepy, I'll be here for you, so you can rest assured." Seeing Qingcheng's lazy look, Gong Wuxie said gently.

(End of this chapter)

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