God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 2870 Help!Kill the chicken!

Chapter 2870 Help!Kill the chicken!

The chicken boy said these words with arrogance and arrogance, and he wanted to save face for himself with his chicken breasts sticking out, but unexpectedly, after he said those words, the zombies present were attracted by his words at the same time, and their heads were blown. Qi Shushu turned around and looked at it at the same time.

The eyes of the little zombies were filled with complex emotions, including surprise, eagerness, and an inexplicable longing.

Immediately, I felt like a little weak chicken being watched by wild beasts. The chicken was scared instantly, and said weakly with its head shrunk, "What, I regret it now, don't you know if it's too late?"

The little zombies seemed to be unable to hear the chicken, and roared and rushed towards the chicken.

"Ahhhhhh! Help! Kill the chicken!" Never thought that the target of these zombies would be me, the chicken was terrified, frantically fanning its poor wings, trying to fly up, But they couldn't do anything, and in the end, they could only be dragged down from the sky. Those zombies didn't know why they were so crazy, they grabbed it madly, and the chicken feathers flew around for a while.

Seeing that the zombies who were still staring at them all rushed towards the chicken, Qingcheng's eyes showed a look of astonishment, and he asked in surprise, "What's going on? Why are they targeting the chicken so much?"

"And, looking at the appearance of these zombies, they don't seem to be attacking the chicken, but more like they are robbing him together." Looking at the chicken thoughtfully, Gong Wuxie sighed.

"Can you analyze it later, come and save me first!" Chick was about to cry out of anger, and immediately opened his throat and yelled even more presumptuously.

Gong Wuxie looked at the chicken's face as if it was the end of the world, and after a chuckle, a breath quickly swept out of his body, immediately overwhelming the little zombies to the ground.

The chicken was also blown away, but at this moment the chicken didn't have any extra time to worry about it. Instead, it ran away and rushed to Qingcheng's side like flying, and crashed into Qingcheng's arms. "Hey, little master, they bully me!"

"That's enough, it's all right, it's said that men have tears... Cough cough, they say that cocks have tears and don't flick them easily, so don't cry." Qingcheng hurriedly stretched out her hand, comfortingly helping the chicken to get along. After being knocked down to the ground, they all stretched out their hands longingly, staring at the chicken eagerly, as if wishing to snatch the chicken back again.

It's just that Gong Wuxie didn't give them a chance, at this moment, with a sharp glance, he managed to make these zombies tremble with fright at the same time, and then they didn't dare to come forward again.

"Why are you aiming at this chicken? What's your purpose?" Gong Wuxie looked at the group of zombies coldly, her icy voice seemed to be able to freeze them.

"I like it, I like it." The zombies couldn't speak well, their voices were very hoarse, and they could only express what they thought as best they could.

"Like it? Do you like chickens?" Qingcheng asked in surprise.

It was the first time she saw the zombie of her favorite chicken.

Who knew that the little zombies shook their heads again after hearing what Qingcheng said, and then one of them stood up.

Before they could clearly see what that little zombie looked like, Gong Wuxie smelled a foul stench, which almost made them spit out all the dry food they ate at night.

(End of this chapter)

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