God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 2873 The artifact is still waiting for us

Chapter 2873 The artifact is still waiting for us
"Hey, I want Master Yun to prepare raw hair water for me!" Chick cried and lay in Qingcheng's arms, just like a baby who needs to be comforted by Qingcheng.

"Okay, I promise you everything." Qingcheng patted Ji Zai's shoulder and comforted him, "Okay, don't you feel sad now?"

"Hey, it's okay." Chick said with a whimper.

"Let's go, the artifact is still waiting for us." Gong Wuxie said, and together with Qingcheng, they headed towards the location provided by the little zombie, took a shortcut, and headed in the direction of the artifact.

This walk took another half a day, and at noon, the two finally came to a cave.

The cave could not be seen deep at a glance, it was pitch black, but the spiritual power of the artifact also came from this dark cave.

"It's here." While Gong Wuxie was speaking, he took out a luminous pearl from his bosom to illuminate it, and then walked in front, leading Qingcheng towards the depths of the cave.

Carefully following Gong Wuxie, Qingcheng carefully hugged the chicken, and finally the two finally reached the end of the cave.

At the end of the cave, there is a huge cave, as if the mountain they are in has been hollowed out, and there is a huge pit in front of them. The pit is bottomless, and there seems to be something twisting in the darkness. move.

"Come out, we know you are here." Gong Wuxie's voice echoed infinitely in this empty cave, and said.

For a long time, there was no response from the artifact.

"Qingcheng, try it." Thinking that the owner of the artifact is not her own, Gong Wuxie turned her head to look at Qingcheng behind her and said.

"Okay." Qingcheng nodded obediently, and then took a step forward, "Shen Qi, come out quickly. We know you are here. According to the agreement, you should let us go."

"According to our agreement, you won if you caught me after hide-and-seek, but you haven't caught me yet." The stubborn voice of the artifact resounded in the air, and the source could not be distinguished. A gate appeared out of nowhere, floating on the top of the deep pit, releasing a faint light, "There are three gates here, you can guess which one I am hiding in, if you can guess correctly, come and open the gate, I will consider you to win. However, if you guess wrong, the hidden danger inside the door will instantly push you down into the quagmire below..."

As soon as the voice of the artifact fell, there was a loud cry from the quagmire, as if some wild beast was roaring.

"You actually want to kill us?" Qingcheng said angrily, and then saw the sunstone at the top of the cave suddenly emit a bright light, and then they also saw clearly the things in the big pit.

It wasn't a wild beast as imagined, nor was it a ferocious monster. Looking around, it turned out that there were a group of dirty mud monsters in the big pit.

And at the moment when the dirty slime monster appeared, a pungent stench floated out from the deep pit, and it was almost enough to be vomited out alive.

"Ouch! What's this smell like!" Chick asked in shock, almost fainted from the smoke.

Quickly raising her hand to block Qingcheng and taking a step back, Gong Wuxie quickly stuffed a pill into Qingcheng's mouth when Qingcheng's complexion turned blue from the smoke.

Panic swallowed the elixir in one gulp, Qingcheng coughed twice, choking tears from the corners of her eyes, until the elixir entered her throat and her breathing was completely blocked, she finally regained her senses, "It's the breath-holding pill."

(End of this chapter)

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