God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 2875 I don't allow you, a bad guy, to bully Brother Lengxie

Chapter 2875 I don't allow you, a bad guy, to bully Brother Lengxie

"Stand here and don't move." After Gong Wuxie's words fell, that figure rushed out of the spot like a dragon, ignoring Qingcheng's obstruction, and rushed straight to the door on the left.

An artifact is worthy of being an artifact. With his strength, he needs to be more careful, let alone Qingcheng?

But there are only two doors left, as long as he passes through it once, then Qingcheng can directly grab the artifact and leave here.

Qingcheng stared at Gong Wuxie's back who was leaving quickly with wide eyes, tightly clenched a pair of worried little hands, but some were watching his back.

On this side, the artifact saw that the person who came was Gong Wuxie, and felt deeply dissatisfied, "I don't want to play with you, why don't you obediently retire to me?"

As soon as the words fell, the left door selected by Gong Wuxie erupted with even more frightening hostility, and swept past it quickly. With a loud noise, Gong Wuxie opened it, and a ball of water turned into a dragon , opened his bloody mouth, and bit down on Gong Wuxie's waist.

"Brother Lengxie, get out of here quickly!" Qingcheng shouted anxiously, her eyes blushing anxiously.

"No, it's too late!" Ji Zai also shouted, watching helplessly that Gong Wuxie's waist was about to be cut off in half.

At the very moment, Gong Wuxie's palm suddenly burst out with a dazzling light.

"Roar!" Then, a light and shadow condensed into the appearance of a unicorn, and with Gong Wuxie's movement, cut off the giant dragon formed by the water flow, and then accompanied by a loud roar, his figure was shattered. The water flow continued to oppress and fell directly towards the deep pit below.

I saw that Gong Wuxie seemed to be holding a sharp long sword in his hand, Qingcheng's heart seemed to be suspended all the time, before he could let it go, he raised it again, and watched Gong Wuxie move towards him again. The dirty mud monsters below smashed away.

"Chichichi——!" The dirty mud monsters have been waiting for Gong Wuxie's arrival. Seeing Gong Wuxie who is falling rapidly, their eyes are shining, and they are dancing towards him. Two big hands condensed into the tumbling mud, bowed left and right, and went straight to Gong Wuxie to pat.

The body was still entangled by the water flow, Gong Wuxie saw this scene, there was no panic in his eyes, only a piece of condensation that almost froze like a craftsman.

There was a cloud of auspiciousness in his palm, Gong Wuxie didn't want to take out the unicorn sword to fight against the artifact, but now it seems that this artifact is too deceptive, he doesn't need to hide it anymore.

When Gong Wuxie was thinking this way, two palms made of silt came over the sky and covered the sky, looking like they were going to wrap him tightly.

At the very moment, Gong Wuxie suddenly and clearly felt a ripple in the air, her eyes narrowed slightly, and she turned her head to look behind her.

The fiery breath made Gong Wuxie's heart tense, he didn't even bother to make a move, and looked towards Qingcheng on the shore in surprise.

"I don't allow you, a bad bastard, to bully brother Lengxie!" Strong uneasiness and worry filled Qingcheng's heart, she clenched her fists and stood angrily at the same spot, the evil spirit gathered around her body, and a strange mark of flame appeared on her forehead , and then accompanied by her roar, followed by the aura rushing out of her body.

Dazzling crimson flames suddenly appeared in this world like a gorgeous sunset glow, and the scorching heat swept across, instantly baking the water around Gong Wuxie into nothingness.

(End of this chapter)

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