God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 2877 I will burn you to scrap iron today

Chapter 2877 I will burn you to scrap iron today

"Little, little master...?" Chick had never felt such a terrifying aura around Qingcheng, it was scared and curled up in a small corner on one side, and asked weakly.

Gong Wuxie had never seen Qingcheng like this before, her brows and eyes were full of murderous intent, she told him to look at her, a little uneasiness appeared in her heart, she subconsciously stepped forward and said, "Qingcheng, I'm fine Yes, calm down."

But Qingcheng didn't seem to hear it, the crimson flames around her were constantly churning, like a living thing, and even the voice sounded more cruel, "No, this guy is so bad, I must let him pay the price! "

After Qingcheng's voice fell, the sky fires around her were burning fiercely, turning into balls of fire, scattered away like meteors, and swept away frantically in all directions.

Boom boom boom!
The hard mountain walls around were quickly shattered into a piece of slag, chunks of boulders peeled off from the mountain walls, and there was a piercing noise from the continuous smashing on the ground, but Qingcheng seemed to be unable to hear it. A more ruthless murderous aura appeared, and the sky fire was still being manipulated to wreak havoc.

"Ah! Ahhh! What are you doing? Stop!" the artifact screamed, as if the sky fire had really burned it, "Stop! You are in my body now, and your wrecking is hurting I!"

"I just want to hurt you." Qingcheng narrowed his eyes lightly, the crimson flames in his eyes jumped wildly, "I hate people playing tricks on me the most. I don't care if you are a magic weapon or something? Today I will burn you to waste iron!"

After finishing speaking, Qingcheng waved his hand, and Tianhuo condensed into an angry fire phoenix. With a long roar, the fire phoenix broke through the sky, shattered the top of the mountain, and continued to wreak havoc.

The whole cave has been destroyed so that the prototype cannot be seen. Seeing that Qingcheng has no intention of stopping, Gong Wuxie couldn't help but feel a little ashamed. Looking at Qingcheng, Xia Zishang's face appeared uncontrollably in his mind.

How should I put it, only by looking at Qingcheng at this moment can Gong Wuxie be sure that Qingcheng is indeed Xia Zishang's daughter, even though they usually have very different personalities from Xia Zishang, but the appearance of the mother and daughter when they get angry is exactly the same , it is exactly the same...

It was very clear that there was no time for her to act now, so Gong Wuxie simply withdrew her gaze, then stood quietly on the spot, and continued to watch Qingcheng continue to destroy crazily, while the artifact screamed louder and louder until the end Dedicated directly, a ball of silver light emerged, crying and begging for mercy, "Grandma! My sister-in-law, I was wrong, I really know I was wrong, please hold your hand high, don't destroy it any more!"

The artifact was almost crying to death, Qingcheng's wanton destruction just now caused it to suffer serious injuries.

"Who told you to lock my little master here? You deserve it!" Looking at the artifact proudly, the chicken said mockingly.

He almost vomited blood when he was blocked by the words of the chicken, and Shen Qi felt that he had been wronged, even more wronged than Dou E!

Thinking about it being a divine weapon, most people enter its body cautiously, trying their best to curry favor with it in order to subdue it, for fear that it will hurt a little bit, but of course no one will wreak havoc in its body.

But who knows that Qingcheng is different from those people, playing cards completely out of common sense, simply doing whatever he wants and doing arbitrarily.

(End of this chapter)

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