God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 2880 Phoenix Bone Whip

Chapter 2880 Phoenix Bone Whip

Seeing that the artifact turned into a strong light broke into her body and merged with herself, Qingcheng didn't even have a chance to refuse, and the artifact was already fused with her, so that she didn't even have a chance to refuse, so she was blackmailed up.

"Hey, how can you be like this!" Qingcheng was completely speechless, and the laughter of the magic weapon's success came from her ears, and then she looked down at her waist, and saw a bright long whip hanging on her waist. waist.

The pair of long silver whips were engraved with complicated patterns on the handles, and blood-red gemstones were inlaid at the ends. At first glance, they looked like jewels, and people could tell that they were expensive items.

"This is a phoenix bone whip!" The old man Shihuo seemed to know the artifact, and sighed, "It is rumored that this phoenix bone whip is made of phoenix bones. Although it is silver now, as the user's strength gradually increases , its color will gradually change and become stronger and stronger, it can be said to be the strongest of all fire artifacts."

Xia Zishang and Xuanyuan Yelan looked at each other after hearing the words.

Not to mention other things, the attribute of this fire element matches Qingcheng very well.

"Qingcheng, since this artifact must stick to you, if you choose to be its owner, it means that you are destined, otherwise you can accept it." Xia Zishang smiled and said to Qingcheng.

After hearing this, Qingcheng nodded reluctantly, "Okay then, I'll listen to mother."

"It's others who snatch the artifact, but the princess is different from others, and the artifact relies on her." Qu Bailu said equally dumbfounded seeing this scene.

"Who says it's not? I've lived for such a long time, and this is the first time I've heard of it." Elder Chang Chun said enviously, "After all, it's Her Royal Highness, who is different from ordinary people."

"Mother, can we leave here now?" Qing Mo was already tired of being here, and raised his hand to tug on his mother's skirt and asked.

"It's okay to leave. Let's go, let's get out of here." Xia Zishang agreed indifferently, also impatient to stay here, and then the group left the Forgotten City with the space stone prepared in advance.

After everyone returned to Shenbing City, the four of Yueqing and his son were in charge of explaining the ins and outs of the matter with the people from Wujimen, while Xuanyuan Yelan and Xia Zishang took the three children back to the inn to rest first.

The three children were all exhausted, Xia Zishang looked distressed, and after taking a bath for them, she took three fragrant and soft buns and lay on the bed together, coaxing them to sleep.

So many things happened during the competition, and the children's nerves were always tense. At this moment, they heard Xia Zishang humming a lullaby, and they fell asleep quickly without saying a word.

Looking at the peaceful and beautiful sleeping faces of the children, Xia Zishang smiled lightly and raised the corners of her lips, and then heard a slight sound from outside the door, and then Xuanyuan Yelan strode over, a He stepped into the room and lowered his voice to look at the three children, "Are you all asleep?"

"I'm all asleep." Xia Zishang saw that Xuanyuan Yelan had also taken off his coat and boots and got into the bed, leaning against the bed with his three children in his arms, "Are you going to inquire about the news? What about the city lord? explain?"

"Shen Wang and others came back one step before us, and after briefly explaining what happened, the city lord immediately ordered people to arrest the people from Wuwumen." Xuanyuan Yelan touched the children's faces, "It's just that , the result was unsatisfactory.”

(End of this chapter)

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