God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 2893 Let them know what will happen if they offend us

Chapter 2893 Let them know what will happen if they offend us
No one would wait for Mu Yan. The attack of the two brothers was like a violent storm. They greeted Mu Yan mercilessly. With two bangs, they easily punched Mu Yan into panda eyes, and then pressed Mu Yan directly. On the ground, there was a violent beating aimed at his face.

"Aww! I'm the young master of the Mu family! If you hit me like this, you don't want to get any good results!" Mu Yan roared in frustration, and before he could finish speaking, he punched the two brothers hard on the face again. Two of the front teeth were blown away, such a big person had no strength to resist at all, he was pressed and rubbed on the ground by the two brothers, and the one who was beaten into a pig's head was beaten anxiously and angrily. Looking at the stunned thugs, they roared, "Are you all blind? Hurry up and save me!!"

Frightened by Mu Yan's panic-stricken appearance, the thugs present did not dare to be sloppy at all, and rushed to get close to him, trying to rescue Mu Yan in a hurry!

Where would they be given this chance? Everyone in Qingxinzong saw that Qingmo and Yunyu were enjoying themselves so much, and they all shouted impatiently, "Let's go, let's go together, let these bastards have a good time!" Let us show you how powerful we are!"

"That's right, we Qingxinzong people can't be bullied by other people if they want to bully, we must let them know the fate of offending us, everyone!"

After the voice fell, the disciples of Qingxinzong rushed out with the roar, and immediately scuffled with those thugs.

The disciples have all undergone strict training and cooperated very tacitly. Those thugs became paper tigers in front of them, and they were all easily subdued by the disciples of Qingxinzong. Beat, screams and howls were heard for a while, and the things in the escort agency were smashed to pieces.

Just when Mu Yan was finally beaten and begged his grandpa to sue his grandma, a noble lady walked in from the door, and seeing the mess present, her face turned green with anger, and she shouted angrily, "What is it?" Who dared to cause trouble in our Mu family!"

"Mother!" After seeing the beautiful woman, Mu Yan, who was beaten into a pig's head, immediately waved to the beautiful woman with excitement, and said loudly with joy, "Mother, save me quickly, you Quickly save me!"

"Son?!" Yin couldn't believe that the pig's head with a bruised nose and swollen face was actually her own son, and angrily pointed at Qing Mo and Yun Yu and cursed, "Where did you come from, you little bastards, how dare you bully my son? Don't stop!"

Yin's scolding sound was harsh, and it was very difficult for Qing Mo and Yun Yu to pretend not to hear, so the two brothers raised their eyes to look at Yin's at the same time, and immediately after seeing Yin's angry face, The two brothers looked at each other and smiled tacitly, then continued to lift Mu Yan's collar, and each of them punched him twice!

Seeing his son convulsed by the beating, and spit out two broken teeth in one breath, Yin almost went mad with anger, and yelled angrily, "Well, you two little bastards, you are so brave, I will kill you!" you!"

As soon as Yin's words fell, the spiritual power in his body was tumbling, and he was about to rush towards the direction of the children.

Before Yin Shi could make a move, the dead head rushed forward, aimed at Yin Shi's face, and punched her directly.

(End of this chapter)

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