Chapter 2895
"Patriarch Mu's words are interesting. What do you mean we should stop worrying about it? In the end, we can't blame us for this incident, but your daughter. If it wasn't for your precious daughter and the demon clan to make trouble together, we would also There will be no heavy losses. Do you know that Qiushui of our sect is such a good girl? But she was seriously injured by your daughter, almost lost her life, and left many wounds on her body! She is a girl, and now It was destroyed, can you afford it?!"

"The matter of Mu Huowu had an extremely bad influence on our Qingxinzong. Now when people in the world mention Qingxinzong, they will think of your daughter, and they will immediately remember the good that our Qingxinzong has managed to leave in the hearts of the people. The impression was completely wiped out." Young Master Yueqing's face was also not good-looking, and the voice was so cold that it seemed to be able to freeze people, "This is not the most important thing, the most important thing is that our Qingxinzong also lost two things this time. Personally, they are all excellent younger brothers, but they also died tragically at the hands of your daughter."

The more Mu Xianfeng heard the cold sweat flow, the more ferocious he was, and he was almost unable to lift his head from the scolding, "I know, I understand what everyone said, and I can understand the anger in your heart, so I made a special trip to apologize, and I hope everyone able to forgive."

"The son is not the fault of the father. Patriarch Mu is a smart person. He naturally knows this, and we don't need to waste our words. We hope that Patriarch Mu will be ready for the compensation that the various sects need. In this way, we can do it." I don't mind that much." Xia Zishang said after glancing at Mu Xianfeng from the corner of her eye.

After Mu Xianfeng heard this, a more flattering smile suddenly appeared on his face, and he nodded like a pounding garlic, and agreed, "Yes, yes, please rest assured, our Mu family will definitely make an apology, as long as everyone You can just pursue this matter with our Mu Family."

It's not that everyone is unreasonable, Mu Xianfeng has been nodding and bowing here for a long time, and they are not completely indifferent. At this time, they each withdrew their anger and planned to say a few more polite words to ease the atmosphere.

But who knows, before they came and remembered to speak, a burst of howling ghosts and wolves came in from outside the door.

"You bastard, why don't you let me go quickly? Do you know who I am! I am the wife of the Mu family! If you dare to treat me and my son like this, you will die!" Domineering words came from outside the door , immediately attracted the attention of everyone present.

Among them, Mu Xianfeng's expression was the most exciting. He turned his head and looked behind him in disbelief. As expected, he saw his wife being lifted out by the dead man's head like a chicken. He was able to stuff two eggs, and asked in surprise, "Madam, why are you here?"

"Master, save me!" Yin Shi was thrown to the ground by the dead man's head, and she rushed to Mu Xianfeng, crying loudly, "Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooomore To make decisions for our mother and son, this Qingxin sect is simply too deceitful. Killing our daughter is not enough, but he even came to our escort to make trouble. Not to mention smashing the escort, we want to stop them from messing around. But I was seriously injured by the people of Qingxinzong, and now their people want to beat me, master, you can't just ignore it!"

Before Mu Xianfeng moved, Young Master Yueqing slapped the table with a slap.

(End of this chapter)

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