God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 2908 How can you hit me for this man?

Chapter 2908 How can you hit me for this man?

"Shang'er, you don't want to see it today. As for your betrothal gifts, I will help you to settle them." Xuanyuan Yelan's voice was as cold as if he had come from hell. After the words fell, a ball of hellfire in his palm was like a cannonball. With a loud bang, a gorgeous tail was drawn in the air, and it hit one of the twenty or so mahogany boxes behind Lianzhong heavily.

I only heard the deafening loud noise spreading in the air, and then, a mahogany box was immediately ignited by the hell fire, and the gold and silver in it were soft and rare, and even melted into a piece of slag under the high temperature .

Seeing this scene, Lian Zhong's expression changed instantly, "Stop!"

With a flash of his figure, he quickly rushed out from the spot. Lian Zhong's speed was frightening. He arrived in front of Xuanyuan Yelan almost in a short moment. Han Guang, raising his hand was a fierce attack.

Xuanyuan Yelan naturally wouldn't evade, the hell fire all over her body was condensed in the palm of her hand, and she was about to confront the menacing Lianzhong.

As soon as I rushed over, I happened to see such a scene. Xia Zishang felt the fanatical aura around the two men, and a solemn look appeared in her phoenix eyes, "Don't stop?!"

Seeing Xia Zishang coming, Xuanyuan Yelan wavered his eyes a little, and then stopped without hesitation.

Here, Lianzhong didn't seem to have thought that Xuanyuan Yelan would actually stop when he said stop. He squinted his eyes and was hesitating, but suddenly saw Xia Zishang's purple figure flashing, Rufei rushed towards him In front of him, protecting Xuanyuan Yelan, he raised his foot and kicked him heavily in the chest, directly sending him flying.

Everything happened in a short moment. After Lianzhong was kicked away, Xia Zishang breathed a sigh of relief, then turned to look at Xuanyuan Yelan behind her, "What's going on? Are you injured? "

Xia Zishang's concern instantly soothed the anger in Xuanyuan Yelan's heart, as if the wrinkled heart had been smoothed out, causing most of the hostility in his body to disappear. He shook his head and said, "I'm fine."

"He's fine, I'm fine!" Lian Zhong's voice full of complaints sounded, making people who didn't know him think that he had been greatly wronged.

Looking up in the direction of Lianzhong, Xia Zishang watched this evildoer get up from the mess with aggrieved eyes, his pitiful appearance was like a puppy abandoned by his master, "Zishang, how can you do this for me?" This man hit me?"

"You come to provoke me, the man who bullies me, I will naturally beat you." Xia Zishang looked at Liancheng speechlessly, with an incomprehensible expression on his face, "Lianzhong, what do you want to do?"

Hearing Xia Zishang's question, Lian Zhong became excited all of a sudden, with a bright smile on his face, and said as a matter of course, "Why am I, of course I came to marry you!"

Xia Zishang had the expression of swallowing a fly, "I don't like you."

"It doesn't matter. It's not good to talk about feelings. It doesn't matter if you don't like me now. We have plenty of time to get along slowly. You will like me sooner or later, so we can get married first. As for the relationship, keep it to yourself." Just cultivate it slowly in the future." What he said was taken for granted, Lian Zhong said, as if offering treasures, and dragged the prepared mahogany boxes towards Xia Zishang's direction, "Zishang, look , quickly open it and have a look, I found all these treasures for you!"

(End of this chapter)

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