God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 2916 The Children Are Gone

Chapter 2916 The Children Are Gone

Granny Li wiped her tears in a hurry, and fell into deep memories, "Early yesterday morning, I brought the children over from the Charity Nunnery, and thanked the National Teacher's Office for the relief to our Charity Nunnery. Housekeeper Huo is even more kind." Good man, it’s inconvenient for me to walk with so many children as an old woman, and I also want to keep us here and send us back tomorrow. Although I am old, I don’t know the rules. How can I take my children with me? We bother you here, butler Huo generously helped us book a hotel..."

Xia Zishang couldn't bear to see Granny Li crying so sadly, just like Steward Huo.

"I was thinking of resting in that inn for a night, and I set off to go back this morning. Who knows, who knows that I fell asleep in the middle of the night last night, and passed out from sleep for some reason. When I woke up in the morning, the children It's all gone...!" Mrs. Li said at the end, her tears rolled down one by one like broken beads.

"Grandma Li, please sit down and calm down first. Let's discuss this matter slowly. I promise you that we will find all those children." Concerned about Mrs. Li's body, Xia Zishang helped Mrs. Li sit down first. Take it, and then took out a Qingxin pill from her bosom, and gave it to her old man.

After taking the elixir, Mrs. Li's originally excited mood improved. After taking a deep breath, her expression twisted into a ball, "I don't know where your empress is going to start to investigate this matter?"

Xia Zishang pondered for a moment before saying, "I still have to go to the inn first. Since the children disappeared from the inn, they will leave some clues."

Mrs. Li just wanted to get the children back as soon as possible. After hearing this, she stood up without saying a word, and hurriedly urged, "In this case, let's not waste time, let's go!"

Under the leadership of Mrs. Li, Xia Zishang and Huo Butler rushed to the inn together.

The inn was specially arranged by Butler Huo. The location is very good, and it is also a relatively high-end type in Kyoto, so there is no need to worry about safety. According to common sense, there will be no criminals who will come to kidnap child.

Mrs. Li's room is the largest room on the second floor. She led the two of them upstairs to the door, pushed the door open and said with a choked voice, "This is the room."

There was no one in the room, and there was no inappropriate smell left. Looking around, the furniture was neatly arranged, and there was no sign of the children struggling after being abducted.

"Is this room like this since mother-in-law got up? Has someone tidied it up?" Xia Zishang walked to the round table in the room, raised her hand and brushed it lightly, not finding anything unusual.

Mrs. Li sniffed and said sadly, "Even if it was like this at the beginning, the children in our charity nunnery were all raised by me. They are all well-behaved and sensible. Before I went to the National Teacher's Mansion this morning, I also specially told the owner of the inn, please don't clean up the room for the time being."

"So, the murderer who took the children away didn't leave any clues." Butler Huo said after scanning the room carefully.

Xia Zishang also made a special effort to check the condition of the doors and windows, trying to find traces of some bad guys breaking in.

(End of this chapter)

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