God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 2926 Didn't His Majesty go together?

Chapter 2926 Didn't His Majesty go with you?

Early the next morning, Xia Zishang, who heard what happened last night, brought the dead head and Xiaowanzi to Hanshan Village on the outskirts of the city.

Hanshan Village is located not far from the foot of Han Mountain, and in the small thatched hut at the foot of Han Mountain, live Wang Orion, who lost his daughter this time, and her wife, Tang Shi.

Xia Zishang and the dead man's head arrived here, and they heard a sound of fast horse hooves approaching from a distance, turned their heads and looked at the man through the window of the carriage, and saw an angry horse in bright clothes, galloping fast Come.

"Why just the two of you? Didn't His Majesty go together?" Seeing that there were only Xia Zishang and the dead head on the carriage, Si Jin couldn't help but have a little surprise in his eyes.

Knowing Xuanyuan Yelan all along, Si Jin thought he would come with Xia Zishang.

"Originally, His Majesty must come here, but it's just that Xia Laotie loves his son and doesn't want Qing Mo to deal with the government affairs at such a young age and work hard, so Xia Laotie left His Majesty in the palace. In the early morning, His Majesty was specially not allowed to come." When the dead head said this, Xuanyuan Yelan's aggrieved appearance naturally appeared in his mind, and he couldn't help laughing out loud.

Glancing at the dead man's schadenfreude, Xia Zishang said in a flat tone, "After we figure out the cause and effect of the matter, it won't be too late to ask Yun Yan to come over. As for now, let us investigate first. "

"Then let's go now, I heard that people are in Hanshan Village now, we have to go to the village first." Sijin got off the horse while speaking, Xia Zishang and the dead head also got off the car , the three of them walked towards the direction of Hanshan Village together.

However, the three of them hadn't successfully entered Hanshan Village, so they walked far away on the road outside the village, and saw a few villagers stumbling out from the entrance of the village directly in front of them. At this time, they saw Xia Zishang The three of them were dressed luxuriously, so they could see that the identities of the three of them were extraordinary, and quickly ran towards the three of them.

"Excuse me, are the three people sent by the National Teacher's Mansion?" The middle-aged man in the lead asked with a hint of caution.

After hearing what the middle-aged man said, the three of Xia Zishang smiled a little, nodded and said, "Yes, I don't know where Wang Orion and his wife are now?"

After hearing Xia Zishang's affirmative answer, the villagers all heaved a sigh of relief, looked at them and said hastily, "This matter is a long story, I'd better ask the three of you here to save people first." Bar!"

"Wait, what do you mean?" the dead man asked, his feet were moving fast, and he was galloping forward together with Xia Zishang and Sijin, his face was full of anxiety look.

The villagers sighed heavily, and trotted into Hanshan Village with the three of them, "We don't know what's going on, Wang Orion and his wife were fine last night, just now the husband and wife He suddenly went berserk, he looked like a lunatic, suddenly his whole body twitched, and several big men couldn't hold it down, so we didn't know what to do, anyway, please go and have a look."

After the three of them looked at each other, they quickened their pace at the same time, and rushed to the head of Hanshan Village's house as quickly as possible. Before entering the door, they heard a roar like a wild beast coming from inside the house.

(End of this chapter)

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