God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 2928 The situation is not very optimistic

Chapter 2928 The situation is not very optimistic

No wonder Si Jin is so cautious, because the husband and wife are surrounded by neither Yin Qi nor evil Qi, but evil Qi!

Evil aura is born from evil things. This kind of aura is strong and domineering. Ordinary people will not want to get rid of it for a lifetime. The husband and wife in front of them have lost their minds under the influence of evil aura. If two people bite or scratch, it's no joke.

"When you were in contact with this couple just now, were you hurt by them?" Xia Zishang turned to look at the villagers behind him, and asked with concern.

After hearing Xia Zishang's question, the villagers shook their heads honestly, "No, Wang Orion and Tang's were fine at first, and when they felt unwell, they immediately reminded us and told us We and their bodies were very uncomfortable, and the husband and wife gave us time to prepare, so we were able to subdue them so quickly."

"In this way, it's a blessing among misfortunes." Xia Zishang still needs to act cautiously when facing these evil spirits. If more innocent villagers are hurt, then the matter will really end badly. .

"Miss, why do you ask such a question? Is the situation of their husband and wife so bad?" Among the villagers present, someone immediately stood up and said, "Miss, both of them are rare good people. They will distribute the prey to the old people in our village, it would be too pitiful if the husband and wife just disappeared, please save them.”

When the name of the village was spoken, the rest of the villagers couldn't help but nodded in agreement, and they all felt that it was very difficult for the husband and wife.

"Don't worry, we will do our best." After Xia Zishang took the elixir for the two of them first, she turned to look at the old village chief, "The village chief will take the others away first, and if we don't say hello If you come in, all of you will obediently guard the door, and no one should step in here."

"Yes, the three adults, please take your time. If there is anything, you three will tell you at any time!" After saying this, the village head was afraid that he would be half a step late, and hurriedly led the villagers in the house to leave.

"Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow!" With the iron chain stuffed into their mouths, the husband and wife had no strength to resist at all, and could only whimper to express their dissatisfaction filled with hearts at this moment.

"Xia Laotie, the situation of this couple is not very optimistic. How sure are you that you can cure them?" The dead man looked at the crazy appearance of the couple, and looked at Xia Zishang in confusion.

"About [-]%." When Xia Zishang was speaking, the movements of her hands never stopped, and she quickly raised her hand to seal the couple's acupoints, and then continued, "Press them down first. , I have to force out the evil spirit in their bodies first, this is a process, once it starts, it cannot be interrupted, otherwise the three of us will definitely be injured."

"Don't worry, there are two of us to help you guard, and I guarantee that nothing will happen." Before Si Jin spoke, he first exhaled a breath of fairy air at the couple.

The light-colored smog-like fairy energy soon penetrated into the bodies of the husband and wife along with their breathing, making the expressions of the two of them lessen at a speed visible to the naked eye.

(End of this chapter)

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