God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 2940 Mrs. Li must be an evildoer

Chapter 2940 Mrs. Li must be an evildoer
"According to what your husband and wife said, Mrs. Li must be an evildoer if there is no accident. There is nothing to sympathize with this evildoer, and you husband and wife don't need to be kind." Xia Zishang continued coldly, "Let's go, first Go down the mountain, and talk to the villagers of Hanshan Village after you go down the mountain."

There was no doubt in Xia Zishang's tone. After saying this, she calmly picked up Tang Shi, and took her and Xiaolian down the mountain together.

With a cold face, Si Jin directly picked up Wang Orion and followed quickly.

The two quickly caught up with the dead head, and then a group of people went down the mountain together.

In Hanshan Village, the villagers were all waiting nervously, for fear that something might go wrong, so when they saw Xia Zishang and the others coming back smoothly, and Tang's arms were still holding Xiaolian who had been lost before, everyone All very happy.

However, when everyone immediately saw that the person brought by the dead head was not Ah Sheng but Mrs. Li, and Mrs. Li was still wearing handcuffs and shackles on her hands and feet, everyone was shocked.

The old village chief looked at this scene anxiously, and cautiously approached and asked, "Empress, what are you doing?"

"We found the lost baby girl in the Charity Hall. Mrs. Li confessed to the snatching of the baby girl. Naturally, we have to take her back to the capital." Xia Zishang explained simply and horrified.

"What? It's impossible!" The village chief said with his eyes widened in disbelief.

Not to mention that the village chief didn't believe it, none of the villagers present believed it. They felt that Mrs. Li must not be that kind of person!
Wang Liehu and Tang shi held the child in their arms, and stood silently by the side without opening a mouth.

"What are you talking about? The child was found from the charity nunnery. It wasn't Mrs. Li who did it. Could it be those children who did it?" Sijin asked coldly.

"No, it has nothing to do with those children. It's me, I did it all, I admit it, I admit it." Mrs. Li stood up without hesitation, and said firmly, "I abducted the children. I."

The villagers saw that Mrs. Li lowered her head as she spoke, looking distraught. Most of the people present still couldn't believe it was true.

But Mrs. Li herself admitted that it was useless even if outsiders like them couldn't believe it, they could only look at each other in blank dismay, and finally fell into a deathly silence, no one dared to speak again.

"Then I don't know how the empress plans to deal with Granny Li?" The old village head stood up and asked cautiously.

"Of course, I will go back to the sky prison, torture and torture." Xia Zishang said with a calm smile under the terrified eyes of everyone, "Okay, let's stop here, old village chief, Let's not delay any further, and go back first."

"Yes, yes..." The old village head nodded. He glanced at Mrs. Li, but he didn't dare to say anything in the end.

The other villagers present also obediently fell silent, watching the carriage of the National Teacher's Mansion come to pick them up.

"How can a criminal sit in the car?" Sijin said, connecting Granny Li's chain to the crossbar at the back of the carriage, "Please trouble Granny Li to follow behind, don't worry, I will tell the driver to go slower."

This is to torture Mrs. Li in a disguised form and make her run after the car.

Mrs. Li didn't resist, she seemed to be indifferent to everything she saw now.

(End of this chapter)

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