God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 2950 Don't give them too good looks

Chapter 2950 Don't give them too good looks

Granny Li's heart was twisted as a knife looked at Xiaochen's dull eyes. Even though she kept telling herself not to get angry or resentful, she still couldn't suppress her distress for the child, making Grandma Li just want to pounce on him and replace Xiaochen. It's good for Chen to suffer!
"I just taught him a little bit, children are such things, you can't give them a good face." Shen Wutong stretched out his hand, touched Xiaochen's head, and said in a casual tone, "Since this child doesn't want to listen to you If so, why don't you let me try?"

"Stop, I won't allow you to hurt Xiaochen!" Seeing Xiaochen's expressionless look, Li Pozi said with a heartbroken heart.

"Good boy, let's start." Looking at Xiaochen with a smile, Shen Wutong ordered.

Xiao Chen's gaze, who was unresponsive at first, suddenly flickered, then raised his hand without saying a word, and slapped himself hard in the face.

With a crisp slap, Xiaochen slapped his own face to the side, and after seeing Mrs. Li couldn't believe her eyes, she shouted in fright, "What are you doing? What are you doing?" Don't stop!"

"Hehehe, have you seen that children are perfect under my command? If I want these children to do anything, they all have to obey me obediently. Even if I let them beat themselves or even commit suicide, they will not hesitate Hesitation, so when it comes to means, I am much better than you, a damn old woman." Shen Wutong glanced at Mrs. Li triumphantly, her expression seemed to be showing off.

"You don't stop! You lunatic, you don't really love children like this. I won't allow you to hurt Xiaochen in front of me again!" Li Pozi's eyes were about to bleed. I have never been so heartbroken.

"What is this? It's just the beginning." Shen Wutong seemed to feel dissatisfied with Mrs. Li's reaction, so she raised her hand after saying this, and touched the child's head lovingly, "Good boy, pinch yourself neck, remember to use your strength.”

Mrs. Li shook her head vigorously, wanting to stop it, but now Xiao Chen could no longer hear anything, only the tumbling evil spirit remained in his eyes, obediently stretched out his hand and pinched his neck, and then gradually exerted force , tightened his hands, as if wishing to strangle himself to death.

"No, don't, stop!" Li Pozi saw Xiaochen choking himself to the point of lack of oxygen, and after her face turned ashen-blue at a speed visible to the naked eye, she rushed forward like a frenzy, and before she could stop her, she He was overturned to the ground by an evil spirit from Shen Wutong.


Xiaochen was not polite to him, and quickly pinched his neck until it was bruised, and then fell to the ground, rolling his eyes.

Mrs. Li was tightly controlled by an evil spirit, her nails were powerlessly scratching the ground, and she cried even more heartbreakingly, "Kill me, you might as well just kill me!"

"This is just the beginning. After this kid dies, I will take you out of here, take you to see other people's children, let those children commit suicide one by one in front of you, and then take you to the Charity Nunnery , ha ha ha ha..." After Shen Wutong said this, he glanced at Xiao Chen, "Don't be silly, let's kill him."

"No!!" After screaming hysterically, Mrs. Li rolled her eyes and passed out.

(End of this chapter)

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