God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 2952 Just caught you and gave Chang'er as a gift

Chapter 2952 Just caught you and gave Chang'er as a gift

"Although you are only a half-immortal, you are still an immortal after all. As long as I swallow you, I will definitely turn nine times into a demon!" Shen Wutong laughed loudly, raised his sharp claw-like nails, and went straight to the white cat. Xian'er walked away, "Stop struggling so fearlessly, come to me obediently!"

Baimao Xianer stepped back faster, and her figure was entangled tightly by the evil spirit around Shen Wutong, as if bound by a black horse. As the evil spirit tightened, Baimao Xianer was strangled and couldn't move. Seeing Shen Wutong flying towards him.

Shen Wutong's momentum was extremely fierce, and the corners of Baimao Xian'er's lips were still stained with blood. When she struggled with condensed expression, a fiery breath suddenly came from afar, and sent Shen Wutong, who was bound to win, flying away.

"Ah!" Shen Wutong's blurred figure fell heavily to the ground, and after rolling around, he got up in embarrassment, glaring at the front of him angrily, "Damn it, who hurt me?!"

"It's me." The eyes were cold and emotionless, a large piece of golden hellfire swept across, lighting up the world, the dark night was illuminated like day, Xuanyuan Ye was wearing an underwear and a dark cloak Lan seems to be the god in the sky of nine layers of clouds. The moment he appears, everyone can only look up.

Bowing his head and scanning the situation in front of his eyes, Xuanyuan Yelan immediately understood the situation, and quickly condensed a ball of hell fire in his palm, heading straight for the white cat Xian'er, burning away the evil spirit entwined around her.

The fiery breath that belonged to the prison fire forced Shen Wutong to take a step back. After screaming angrily, as if he wanted to pounce on Xuanyuan Yelan and tear him apart, he said angrily, "How dare you spoil the old good deed!"

"Are you the fugitives that Shang'er is looking for?" Xuanyuan Yelan felt the overly sinister aura around Shen Wutong, she was not afraid at all, but slightly raised the corners of her lips, and said with a smile, "I just caught you, I gave Chang'er as a present."

As soon as Xuanyuan Yelan's words fell, the hellfire turned into a raging fire, and quickly slid down from the sky, heading towards Shen Wutong overwhelmingly.

Looking at the hellfire that was like a storm, Shen Wutong's eyes were filled with intense panic, he quickly dodged to dodge, and screamed, "You madman, don't stop!"

Xuanyuan Yelan had no intention of stopping, not only that, but the prison fire turned into a golden light beam and went straight to Shen Wutong, tightly wrapped around her waist, and the flames flew, and immediately swallowed her whole body .

Shen Wutong couldn't bear such torture, he opened his throat and wailed like a pig, "You bastard, how dare you spoil my good deeds! You wait for me, and when the old man becomes a demon, you must be the first one!" kill you!"

After finishing speaking, Shen Wutong's body formed by the condensed evil energy quickly turned into a broken shadow, shot towards the surroundings, and then got into the space wormholes respectively. Although Xuanyuan Yelan burned a lot, but Still got away with a third.

Frowning in dissatisfaction, Xuanyuan Yelan settled the matter temporarily, and the familiar aura of Xia Zishang and others gradually approached from a distance.

Hurrying to turn her head and look behind her, Xuanyuan Yelan excitedly watched Xia Zishang and others striding forward, and immediately rushed over, hugged Xia Zishang and turned around, unable to hide her joy with a smile He asked, "Why did you rush back at this time?"

(End of this chapter)

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