God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 2978 A group of black flames

Chapter 2978 Black Flames

Hearing this slightly familiar voice, everyone turned their heads to look in the direction of the hall door at the same time, and saw a man who was completely unexpected appeared outside the door.

The man was dressed in the simplest black clothes, with an unruly aura around him, like a born strong man, he successfully attracted the attention of everyone present the moment he appeared.

"Mr. Lengxie, why is it you?" Looking at Gong Wuxie suspiciously, Xuanyuan Yelan was very surprised by the sudden appearance of this man.

Quickly walked up to the crowd and stood still, Gong Wuxie said calmly, "Of course it's because I heard that something happened to the Empress. Your Majesty, I'm here to help today."

"What do you mean by that? Mr. Lengxie, do you know what's going on with Xia Laotie now?" Dead Head asked suspiciously.

To everyone's surprise, after listening to their question, Gong Wuxie nodded and admitted, "Yes. Your Majesty, you can take a look at the Empress Empress. If there is no accident, her body should be A sign of black flames appeared."

Everyone turned their heads knowingly, and Xuanyuan Yelan untied Xia Zishang's skirt, and soon found a mark in the shape of a black flame on her collarbone, which seemed to come from Xia Zishang's flesh and blood. As if seeping out, the black flame seemed to be really burning. There was also a gray eye hidden in it, and there were bursts of sharp cold light continuously, making people feel a chill when looking at it, as if Even the soul must be seen through by this eye.

Looking at this gray eye, Xuanyuan Yelan immediately thought of the undead man Huang Sha mentioned before, "Shang'er does have a mark on her body, and there is a gray eye in that flame, which looks a bit Weird."

"That's right, it must be the hands of the undead people. They are after you." Gong Wuxie waited until Xuanyuan Yelan helped Xia Zishang cover the quilt again, then finally turned her head, and said deeply. He breathed a sigh of relief and said, "The undead never show up easily. This time, most likely, it is because the empress and Nuwa have a close relationship, and the undead have always been related to the empress Nuwa." It is reasonable for people to target the empress when they are against each other."

After Gong Wuxie finished speaking, everyone had different expressions on their faces, and they all looked at Gong Wuxie curiously.

"How do you know these things?" Xuanyuan Yelan looked at Gong Wuxie coldly, with deep doubts hidden in those eyes that were unpredictable in the future, "We learned about immortality in the Forgotten City before." When I was talking about the undead race, I asked you if you knew anything about the undead race. I also remember that you told me at the time that you didn’t know anything. Why, now that things are going on, are you going to change your mind?”

"I know it's hard for you to believe what I said, but I have my own reasons, and I didn't deliberately conceal it." Gong Wuxie lowered her eyes, hiding the flash of light in her eyes, "Actually, I am a Gong family. people."

"The Gong family? You mean the Gong family who guarded Nuwa's clan for generations?" Dead Head asked in surprise.

"You know the Gong family?" Xuanyuan Yelan asked, turning his gaze to the direction of the dead man's head.

"Well, the Gong family is a super family handed down from ancient times. It is rumored that they are the guardians of the Nuwa Empress, and they have been looking for and protecting Nuwa's descendants for generations." After the dead head finished speaking, he looked Gong Wuxie up and down. glance.

(End of this chapter)

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