God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 2980 The Dog Abuse Scene 1

Chapter 2980 The scene of dog abuse

"Okay." After nodding, Gong Wuxie quickly took out the elixir, and was about to get close to Xia Zishang when Xuanyuan Yelan stopped her.

"Thank you, Mr. Lengxie, let me do it." Looking at Xia Zishang, who was lying on the bed with a weak face, Xuanyuan Yelan didn't want anyone to touch Xia Zishang, so she immediately jumped out of Gong Wuxie's hands. After receiving the elixir, he quickly walked to Xia Zishang and stood still. He stuffed the elixir into her mouth first, then carefully picked up the warm water on the bedside cabinet and waited for her to drink it.

Seeing that Xia Zishang swallowed the pill smoothly, Xuanyuan Yelan finally let go of the thing that had been hanging in his throat, and thoughtfully helped Xia Zishang wipe off the remaining drops of water at the corner of his mouth, Accompanied by her side, his eyes stayed on her from the beginning to the end, and he never turned away.

Seeing this scene, the dead man's head couldn't help but twitched the muscles at the corner of his mouth, then turned his head to look at Si Jin beside him, "I said little koi, let's wait in the main hall..."

Si Jin was also shown by the dog abuse scene, agreed, and then turned to Gong Wuxie, "Mr. Lengxie, do you want to go out with us and wait?"

The husband and wife seem to see other people, and they keep showing their affection here. Sijin thinks that instead of staying here, it's better to leave quickly, and it's better to leave out of sight.

Anyway, Xia Zishang's heart and spirit have been stabilized, even if she is injured, it will not be a serious problem. Moreover, they are here, they really can't help, why don't you go to torture Shen Wutong and see Shen Wutong Is there any connection with Xia Zishang's sudden attack this time?

Gong Wuxie saw Xuanyuan Yelan standing in front of Xia Zishang's bed naturally, she pursed her lips and agreed, "Okay, I'll go out with you and wait."

"Your Majesty, let's go out first, and you can call us over if you need anything." Seeing that Xuanyuan Yelan agreed, the three of them quickly left the bedroom and walked to the main hall.

In the main hall, after hearing the news, Yun Suxian and Uncle Xing rushed over, leading three little buns and waiting anxiously. When they saw the three coming out, they hurried up to meet them.

"I heard that Chang'er was injured? What happened?" Yun Suxian asked urgently.

"The Queen Mother doesn't have to worry, there is nothing serious, but the Queen may suffer some hardships." Gong Wuxie said in relief.

Yun Suxian sighed heavily, with a look of worry hidden in his brows, "Poor Shang'er, this child has been suffering all the time, either being targeted or plotted against, it's really unbearable for the Ai family to see it."

"Emperor Grandmother, don't worry, my mother is very powerful, she has been able to save herself from danger so many times, and this time she will definitely be able to." Qing Mo resisted his worries and hurried over to comfort Yun Suxian.

"Brother is right, Grandmother, sit down quickly, we will wait here with you for the Queen to wake up." Yun Yu hurriedly pulled Yun Suxian to sit down.

"Grandmother, Qingcheng is also with you." When Qingcheng was speaking, he hugged her arm intimately, and slipped into Yun Suxian's arms, holding Yun Suxian tightly with his fleshy arms, He tried his best to comfort Yun Suxian.

Seeing that the children are so well-behaved and sensible, Yun Suxian couldn't help stretching out her hand, and touched the children's little heads affectionately, "You are really the caring babies of the emperor's grandmother, without you, the emperor's grandmother really doesn't know what to do Just do it."

(End of this chapter)

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