God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 2983 Be a good criminal who does not escape from prison

Chapter 2983 Be a good criminal who does not escape from prison
The criminals like Shen Wutong who escaped without permission are all extremely vicious people. Now they pretend to be innocent and say they want to go back, but it is only because they have taught them a lesson, not because they really learned to be good.

When Shen Wutong mentioned this matter, his expression was sore, it could be said that he regretted it, "If I were given another chance, I would choose to be a good criminal who would not escape from prison. Speaking of which, I was originally released half-heartedly, I didn't run away voluntarily..."

"What do you mean?" Sijin keenly sensed something was wrong, he stared at Shen Wutong coldly, his sharp eyes seemed to be able to shoot Shen Wutong through, "What do you mean you didn't run away voluntarily? Jie, what happened?"

"I'm not very clear about the specifics. I remember that I was sleeping at that time, and suddenly the cell was opened. My fellow inmates dragged me out and told me that it was all thanks to the old third mouse who asked for help. , After robbing the Heavenly Prison, we were all released, and I just thought that it would be useless to run away, so I just ran away."

"Old Sanshu? What a wretched name!" Dead Head said with disgust.

"Old Sanshu is even more wretched than his name. I heard that he is a mouse spirit. Logically speaking, his strength does not qualify him to be imprisoned in heaven. I don't know how big that kid is. How did you get in here." Seeing the silence of the crowd, Shen Wutong, who had a strong desire to survive, continued to say weakly, "If you want to find out the truth of the matter, go to Lao Sanshu, he must know who it is. Whoever robbed the prison also knows a lot of details, so you don't need to waste time with me."

"From what you said, you seem to know where that old third mouse is now?" Seeing Shen Wutong's embarrassed expression, the dead man said with a smile, "You don't have to be so nervous, as long as you tell the truth We, I promise not to beat you."

Shen Wutong, who was still hesitant at first, heard the news, and betrayed the third mouse without hesitation, "It's near the capital now, I heard that he seems to be lurking in the ruined temples on the outskirts of the city, but it doesn't go there every night. Yes, if you want to catch it, you'd better be careful not to leave any breath or moans, otherwise, according to the character of the old three mice, once they find something strange, they will definitely run away without looking back, so you'd better be careful. "

"Okay, okay, thank you for telling us this." After saying this, the dead man raised his hand very rudely, and slapped Shen Wutong three times.

clap clap clap!
Shen Wutong was immediately hit by the dead man's head, his nose turned crooked and his mouth slanted, as if he had been betrayed by a scumbag, and he cried heart-rendingly, "You are stupid, didn't you say you would stop beating?!"

"These three slaps are extra. First of all, the first slap tells you to betray your friends. There is no principle. The second slap calls me ugly before you slap you. The third slap is simply because I think you are not happy. If you want to slap me, you can slap me." It's gone." The dead man's head called a twitch, and a slap in the face, "What's the matter, aren't you happy?"

Of course Shen Wutong was upset, she wished she could jump over and swallow the dead man's head alive.

However, she had more energy than she wanted, so she could only lower her head and say pitifully, "Okay, I'll hit you, it's just that you saw Lao Sanshu, so don't say that I told you his whereabouts." of."

(End of this chapter)

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