Chapter 2986

"Hahahaha, you are really courageous. Do you think you are my opponent now?" Gray Tong abruptly stopped his body that was shooting backwards, and stared at Xia Zishang mockingly, "You It's self-inflicted."

"It's better not to talk too early, you don't see how powerful you are." After squinting and disdainful glances at Huitong, the spiritual power in Xia Zishang's body condensed again, turning into an afterimage, and came to Huitong in an instant. In front of Tong Tong, he punched Hui Tong with a heavy fist, forcing him to take a step back. While dodging Xia Zishang's attack, he raised his hand to firmly block her swift attack. come fist.

At the same time, he raised his hand towards Xia Zishang, Hui Tong moved extremely quickly, and hugged Xia Zishang's waist directly.

There was an indelible disgust in his eyes, Xia Zishang looked at Huitong as if he was looking at something unsightly and dirty, kicked Huitong's palm away fiercely, and then took two steps back. He opened the distance between him and Huitong, and kept a certain distance from him coldly.

"Hehehehe, interesting." The gray-eyed figure soared into the air, gradually rising, and there was a chilling and strange aura around him, as if to completely merge with the darkness in front of him, "Xia Zishang , don’t continue to struggle, when it comes to strength, you are no match for this deity.”

"Whether it's an opponent or not, it's not up to you, a bastard like you." Xia Zishang's whole body became more and more cold, and she knew that she might not be able to deal with this ghost in front of her with ordinary methods, and her mind was spinning quickly. Thinking about all possible solutions.

Gray Tong sneered even worse, and sighed, "I can't help it, it seems that I just need to knock you unconscious and bring you back to the undead."

Xia Zishang saw that Huitong was talking to herself and decided this matter without authorization, the suppressed anger in her heart became hotter and hotter, and when she raised her hand, the power of her soul quickly condensed dozens of sharp blades around her, floating In the air, overwhelming crowds rushed towards Hui Tong.

Whoosh whoosh--!
The sharp blade kept smashing the air, coming over the sky, the speed was frightening, and its ferocity made Hui Tong not dare to head-on, and kept hitting the sharp blade to the ground, making a ding ding ding sound.

The sharp blades came all over the sky, the gray pupils were dazzled, he quickly resisted, and finally blocked all the sharp blades. However, when he raised his head again, he found that Xia Zishang was nowhere to be seen. She seemed to have disappeared out of thin air, and was no longer there in front of him.

Before Hui Tong could understand, a terrifying murderous aura appeared behind him.

Immediately turning his eyes to look behind him, gray pupils met a pair of murderous phoenix pupils as expected.

Sensing the surprise in Hui Tong's eyes, Xia Zishang sent the sharp blade into Hui Tong's flank in an instant.

Huitong was stabbed severely, but his body trembled a bit, there was no trace of panic in his eyes, but a sneer, and the corners of his lips curled up, staring at Xia Zishang as if looking at something amusing, disdainful Gu.

Now Xia Zishang has not recovered any strength, even if he was stabbed, so what?After all, it can't be his opponent!
Seemingly feeling the mockery of the man in front of her, Xia Zishang suddenly became angry, and couldn't help urging her strength, and then stabbed the long sword into Huitong's body even harder.

(End of this chapter)

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