Chapter 2988
Everything happened so fast that Xia Zishang didn't even have a chance to breathe, and was instantly swallowed. Suddenly, there was a roar and severe pain in his mind.

It was as if someone had stabbed her mind with a knife. The tormenting feeling was so excruciating. Accompanied by bursts of trembling pain, the memories of the past also turned into scenes, gradually recovering, making Xia A look of pain appeared on Zishang's face.

However, with the explosion of the energy ball, the surrounding darkness was finally broken, and the pain on Xia Zishang's face gradually calmed down.

When Xuanyuan Yelan saw Xia Zishang with a painful face like this, his heart was raised in his throat in an instant, he hurriedly shook Xia Zishang's shoulders, and urged with concern, "Shang'er, Shang'er What's wrong with you, wake up quickly."

"What's going on?" Several people who were guarding outside the hall rushed into the room and asked in confusion.

"I don't know what's going on, but Shang'er suddenly began to babble, and her face showed pain, maybe she had already fought with the undead." Xuanyuan Yelan looked at Xia Zi in her arms while speaking. Chang, couldn't help hugging Xia Zishang's shoulders even harder. At this moment, he had nothing else to ask but hoped that Xia Zishang could quickly open his eyes and wake up.

"Don't worry, since we have already fought with the undead, the winner will be determined soon." Gong Wuxie said so, the expression on his face seemed to be frozen, "The undead are extremely powerful Tough, once the empress succeeds, the undead will not come out, but once the empress fails, the undead may suddenly appear in front of us under the influence of Guxinwan, you must be careful, you can stop it Stop it if you can’t stop it, let him go if you can’t stop it, don’t confront it head-on, it won’t do you any good.”

"Since he dares to come over, we can't let that bastard run away no matter what." How could he tolerate that bastard as soon as he said it, Xuanyuan Yelan helped Xia Zishang wipe off the ooze from his forehead He was sweating coldly, his distress was palpable, and he knew in his heart that he had already planned how to crush that undead man to ashes.

Dead Head and Sijin are also vigilant. If Xia Zishang fails to succeed, they also want to catch the undead and torture them to see what purpose their undead have!
The silent air was like a haze in everyone's hearts. Just when everyone was vigilant, Xia Zishang, who had kept her eyes closed, coughed twice, and then opened her beautiful eyes.

"Shang'er, you're awake..." Xuanyuan Yelan was ecstatic, before she finished speaking, she stopped abruptly, looking at the red gold in Xia Zishang's eyes in shock.

To him, the color of red gold should not be too familiar. From the first time they saw it in the ghost clan, Xia Zishang's eyes had such a red gold color. This is the great achievement of the royal family of the ghost clan. Now that Xia Zishang will have such a reaction, it can be seen that the suppressed ghost blood in her body has begun to wake up, and with the awakening of energy, the awakening of memory is also reasonable!

A heart rose to her throat in an instant, Xuanyuan Yelan didn't dare to ask clearly, but could only ask softly, "Shang'er, how do you feel now?"

(End of this chapter)

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