God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 2995 The situation at the inorganic door is not very good

Chapter 2995 The situation at the inorganic door is not very good
"It's Lily's communication stone!" Pushing Xuanyuan Yelan away, Xia Zishang directly activated the communication stone without looking at Xuanyuan Yelan's expression full of resentment, and then listened to Lily's voice from The message came from the stone.

"Ma'am, the situation at Wujimen is not very good." Lily got straight to the point when she came up, without any muddling.

"How do you say that?" Hearing Baihe's voice, Xia Zishang asked sternly.

"Now people from all major sects are trying their best to deal with Wujimen. Everyone in Wujimen is walking on thin ice. However, the owner of Wujimen chose to retreat two days ago. It is said that the owner of Wujimen went to Wujimen this time. The cemetery of the past lords before their death in the gate has inherited and accepted the power of the lords of the past generations, and once they are born again this time, their strength will definitely improve by leaps and bounds." Lily's voice full of worry continued to come from the communication stone, "Master, you I also know that Wujimen is proficient in the art of yin and yang, and people in Wujimen have always said that as long as someone can withstand the power of the previous sect masters, they can summon extremely terrifying ancient formations. The people at the door are not opponents, so I would like to ask Madam and Young Master if they can spare some time to come and help together?"

"Of course." Xia Zishang said hastily, "Do people from other sects know about the retreat of the master of the Inorganic Sect?"

"Of course I don't know. Only we core disciples know about this matter. Wuwu Sect seems to be caught off guard by wanting to kill people from other sects." Lily continued.

"Lily, the information you gave today is very important. Thank you for your hard work. You have done a good job." Xia Zishang comforted Lily and said, "You wait for me at the inorganic gate, and when we destroy the inorganic gate, you will But come back."

"Yes, this servant is here, waiting for Madam." After Baihe finished speaking, she hurriedly ended the call with Xia Zishang.

After finishing the call, Xia Zishang quickly took back the space stone, and turned to look at Xuanyuan Yelan behind her, "Did you hear it?"

"Understood." Xuanyuan Yelan nodded, approaching Xia Zishang with a resentful expression on his face.

"This matter is no small matter, we can't be careless..." Before Xia Zishang finished speaking, Xuanyuan Yelan pressed her down on the couch.

"Now is not the time to talk about this." Xuanyuan Yelan had a serious expression, then lowered her head and sealed the thin lips on the box.

One night passed, and the next day Xia Zishang held on to the sore body that was tossed by Xuanyuan Yelan, angrily saying nothing to let Xia Zishang follow, and with the dead head, Amo and Leng Xie walked towards Qingxin Zong rushed to.

Along the way, the dead man looked at Xia Zishang's straight back, supporting the pain in his back, and couldn't help but wink with Amo, all with a look of "I understand, you understand too" expression.

Among the group, Gong Wuxie was the happiest.

Xianggong Wuxie heard that Xia Zishang was going to the Qingxinzong to discuss the matter of dealing with Wujimen, so she used the excuse that she wanted to observe Xia Zishang's physical condition to protect her safety, and forced her to keep up. Originally, she was worried that Xia Zishang might Refused, who knew that Xia Zishang didn't, but agreed immediately, and took him on the road together, making Gong Wuxie happy all the way, looking for Xia Zishang's pulse from time to time.

"Mr. Lengxie, I don't feel unwell. Is it necessary to keep checking the pulse?" Seeing that Gong Wuxie came to check her pulse every hour, Xia Zishang asked suspiciously.

(End of this chapter)

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