God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 2999 I still want to see Princess Qingcheng

Chapter 2999 I still want to meet Princess Qingcheng
It's just that Li Tian's way of making friends is very extreme. He absolutely does not allow anyone to refuse his invitation. If anyone refuses, then there is only a dead end waiting for this person, especially when a girl rejected him before. Li Tian directly beat the girl to serious injury in front of everyone, and returned the girl whose appearance was ruined, and she still hasn't recovered yet.

"What do you want to say?" Gong Wuxie stared at Litian indifferently, that sharp gaze seemed to be able to see through Litian.

Li Tian listened to the words with a very shameless smile, "I don't have anything in particular I want to do, I just want you to help me find the empress empress for introduction, and then I will have a chance to enter the palace, It's time to enjoy the delicacies in the palace, and I also want to meet Princess Qingcheng..."

When Litian mentioned Qingcheng, there was a wretched smile on his face, and Gong Wuxie felt an instant unhappiness in his heart, as if a nail had been inserted into the fundus of his eyes. No matter how you look at it, Litian was unhappy, "Just With something like you, you don't even piss to take a look at your face, and you still have the ability to shout in front of me."

"That's right, Litian, just save your thoughts and don't even think about going to the palace. I think you are so capable, but I haven't seen you flying into the sky?" Niu Dashuang didn't agree with anyone, especially At this time, with annoyed anger in her heart, she pointed at Litian's nose and continued to curse, "You still want to find Qingcheng's girl like you? Don't pollute Qingcheng's beautiful big eyes, this is simply An insult to Qingcheng!"

Seeing Niu Dashuang chattering for a long time, Li Tian's complexion was instantly clouded with that mocking tone, and then he looked at Niu Dashuang, and suddenly smiled, "Hehehehe..."

Niu Dashuang felt from the bottom of her heart that Niu Dashuang's smile made her stand on end, as if hearing this voice, the hairs on her back trembled uncontrollably, and she subconsciously felt the danger and wanted to hide behind her. But Tian's figure suddenly moved, and the afterimage was so strong that a gust of wind rushed over, pinched Niu Dashuang's neck, and then squeezed Niu Dashuang groaned in pain.

"Junior Brother Litian!" Shen Wang was the first to stand up. As a senior disciple, he was the one with the most weight in speaking among the disciples. It would hurt Niu Dashuang, so I could only persuade him patiently, "Junior Sister Dashuang is nothing but childish words, you are an adult, why bother with a child like her?"

"Eldest brother's words are wrong. It is precisely because my junior sister is still a child, and her mouth is so ugly. That's why I have to train my junior sister so that I can clearly understand what words can be said and what words I can't say it, otherwise, if anyone dares to talk to me like that in the future, won't I be bullied to death when I come to your Qingxin sect?" Li Tian's tone was taken for granted, after saying this, I even said, Raising his hand to pinch Niu Dashuang's neck, he immediately gained a little more strength, forcing Niu Dashuang to cough uncontrollably. He raised his little hand and tried hard to shake off Li Tian's hand, but he couldn't do it, and soon There was a burst of blackness in front of my eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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