God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 3016 Are you impatient?

Chapter 3016 Are you impatient?
The two of them shuttled through the woods like flying pigs, the cold moonlight continuously projected from the top of their heads, dimly illuminating the path in the forest under their feet, Xia Zishang and the dead head were all in pitch black, and they were also dressed in night walkers. Armor in clothes.

"Junior Brother, are you a little impatient? Otherwise, you wouldn't be so anxious to go up the mountain. Are you worried about that Lily girl?" Amo looked at Xia Zishang inquiringly while speaking.

Xia Zishang didn't mean to hide it, and nodded without hesitation, "Yes. Lily is my maid. She has been by my side and helped me since I was still in Taoyuan Village. If it wasn't for her If you have been delivering news for me, I must have counted how many times I have been plotted by the Inorganic Gate."

The dead man glanced at Xia Zishang beside him, hesitated for a moment and then said, "Xia Laotie, don't blame me for speaking badly. Miss Lily hasn't contacted you for so long, I'm afraid it's bad luck. You Think about it, although Wuwumen doesn't seem to have any special movements, but they must have eyeliners everywhere. So many of their previous designs have failed, and they haven't hurt you. Maybe they have already suspected Lily, and this time in the century It was such a coincidence, so I feel that Miss Lily may have..."

Having said this, the dead man fell silent honestly. Although the next words were not so clear, the meaning he wanted to express could not be more obvious.

Seeing Xia Zishang's momentary silence, Amo knew without guessing that Xia Zishang's heart would not be happy after hearing this, and immediately looked at the dead head reproachfully, "Is your dead head not open which pot you can't carry? ? Don’t you know how to be more tactful?”

"Senior brother, you don't need to be angry. The words of the dead head are not harsh. I have made up my mind about this matter, so brother don't have to worry. No matter what the result is, I will do my best to save Lily, and the people from the Inorganic Gate will not be ashamed." So stupid, once they know that Lily is my confidant, they won't touch her easily, we still have a chance." Xia Zishang said this, looking straight ahead in doubt, and frowned incomprehensibly, "What's the sound?"

After listening carefully to the sound, Dead Head and Amo said decisively, "It's footsteps. But the owner of these footsteps seems to be in a panic, and there is a large group chasing him behind."

"On this mountain, there are only people from the Inorganic Gate, and their people in the Inorganic Gate, would they be chasing all those people who run wild all over the mountain?" Amo asked in bewilderment.

"Come on, let's go take a look." Xia Zishang's heart was filled with strong interest, and the pace of the voice accelerated a little, and then rushed towards the direction of the voice.

I saw a woman in a black rag covering her face, running quickly in the mountains and forests in a panic. Good things seem to catch up, and I dare not delay at all.

However, the woman's body was already very weak. Even if she used all her breastfeeding strength to rush forward, she couldn't help but staggered. Behind her, several men dressed as disciples of the Inorganic Sect frantically chased her, and gradually shortened the distance between them.

"Bitch, don't run!" A disciple shouted loudly, waving the long sword in his hand.

(End of this chapter)

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