God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 3018 Kill me immediately!

Chapter 3018 Kill me immediately!

Lily hadn't seen Xia Zishang for a long time, and she had mixed feelings for a while, but she didn't say a word of nonsense, but looked at Xia Zishang firmly, and said murderously, "Kill me immediately!"

"What did you say?" Xia Zishang heard Lily's words, but before she had time to get to the bottom of what happened to Lily, Lily, who looked fine, suddenly twisted her body, and then her body seemed to be in great pain. , let out a cry of pity when he twitched, and immediately rolled his eyes and passed out.

"Lily!" Hurrying to stabilize Lily's body, Xia Zishang quickly raised her hand to check Lily's breath, and found that Lily was still breathing and alive, but she was seriously injured, with flesh and blood wounds all over her body. It's nothing, the most important thing is that her physique at this moment is not as good as before, at least [-]% of the tendons in her body are broken, and even her dantian has been severely beaten again, her body seems to be a ball that has lost its elasticity , Limp, no strength at all.

"Old Tie Xia, something is wrong with this girl. Why is there still a force in her body that is colliding with each other?" Dead Head found the crux of the problem and asked in puzzlement.

"I don't know either. But we can't ignore it. Let's go down the mountain with Lily now. In short, we must save her first, and we can talk about other things later." When Xia Zishang spoke, he took out the extremely precious He stuffed the elixir into Lily's mouth, and after helping Lily hang her life, he carried her on his back, and rushed down the mountain in a hurry.

There are tents of various sects stationed at the foot of the mountain, and everyone is waiting anxiously outside the camp, looking towards the direction of the back mountain from time to time, expecting to see Xia Zishang and his party hurry down the mountain, so they have been hanging The heart in the throat can be put down.

Qu Bailu's heart hung high, his face was full of uneasiness, and he said regretfully at this moment, "If I had known that I would be waiting so anxiously, then I should have followed up the mountain, and it was better than staying here all the time , worrying about the safety of the empress."

Long Wuyan was the most unrestrained. He moved a chair and sat down. There were melons, fruits and snacks on the small table beside him. Although he was also waiting here, it was in stark contrast to the nervous look of everyone. Just looking at Long Wuyan, people can clearly feel that Long Wuyan is not paying attention at this moment...

If Long Wuyan didn't care about the safety of Xia Zishang and others, he wouldn't have appeared here and waited, but if he said he cared about Long Wuyan, it would be too leisurely.

"Little girl, it's not that I'm an old man. I'm going to hit you. With your strength, you'd better save it. Even if you go with me, it's just to hold you back. You won't be able to help even a little bit. So, you should calm down and wait honestly." Long Wuyan said sharply.

After hearing this, Qu Bailu here immediately felt that his heart was pierced. Long Wuyan's words were too sharp, but Qu Bailu couldn't find any words to refute. Yan is the strongest among them, even if she is dissatisfied, she has no choice but to endure it.

Just when everyone was getting more and more worried, the disturbed grass and trees when Xia Zishang walked between the three of them attracted the attention of everyone present in an instant.

(End of this chapter)

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