Chapter 3020
It's just that Lily was so busy falling asleep that she woke up at all, and it was useless to let Amo try to wake her up.

"Brother, give up, you won't be able to wake Lily up like this." Xia Zishang said with a stern expression, "I want to ask you all to do me a favor."

"What's the matter?" Gong Wuxie was the first to stand up, and he looked at Xia Zishang with burning eyes, as if he would help without hesitation as long as Xia Zishang asked.

Young Master Yueqing also hurriedly stood up and expressed his opinion, "Empress Empress, if you have any orders, just ask, no matter whether we can do it or not, we will definitely do our best for your empress."

"So do we." Qu Bailu and the others also hurriedly spoke, saying in unison.

Seeing that everyone was willing to come forward to help, Xia Zishang's heart that had been hanging in her throat finally let go, and she smiled and looked at everyone and said, "There is a strange aura in Lily's body now, I really can't see it. What exactly is this breath coming out, I would like to ask everyone to take a look, is there any way to identify where these breaths come from, and then see if there is any way to cure it. "

"The Empress is really too polite, since that's the case, let the old man take a look first." Having said this, Long Wuyan took the initiative to take a step forward, and then took the pulse of Lily.

Everyone knows about Long Wuyan's medical skills, so everyone is looking forward to Long Wuyan's solution.

As long as Lily can be awakened, they may get more information, so Lily is very important to them.

Long Wuyan put his fingers on Lily's wrist, and quietly helped Lily feel her pulse. After carefully feeling the frequency of Lily's pulse beating rapidly under his hands, he carefully felt the remaining breath in Lily's body.

Immediately, Long Wuyan frowned, and then turned his head to look at Xia Zishang behind him with a strange expression, "Empress Empress, are you sure this woman is really your confidant?"

Long Wuyan asked this question very suddenly, and it seemed a little inexplicable. Xia Zishang frowned in bewilderment and asked, "Mr. Long, why did you ask me so suddenly?"

"The queen doesn't need to worry so much, you just need to answer my question, tell me, is your subordinate really worthy of the queen's trust?" Long Wuyan's expression did not waver, as if Xia Zi If Chang doesn't answer his question directly, then he won't care about the next thing.

"Yes, she signed a blood contract with me, and she will not betray me." Xia Zishang said with certainty.

Certain special emotions settled down in Long Wuyan's eyes, he hummed and nodded, "Okay, okay, I know what the empress means."

Everyone felt that Long Wuyan seemed to have something in his words, and it sounded inexplicable, so they subconsciously felt that there must be some special secret in it. However, Long Wuyan didn't seem to intend to tell them what he wanted in his heart. After standing up, he cupped his hands towards Xia Zishang, and said very politely, "Please forgive me, empress, there is nothing I can do."

After Long Wuyan said that, everyone fell into silence.

"Old Long, are you sure there is no other way?" Looking at Long Wuyan anxiously, Young Master Yueqing couldn't believe it.

(End of this chapter)

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