God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 3027 Let me stay with you

Chapter 3027 Let me stay with you

At that time, Xia Zishang had no defense against Lily at all, so how could he escape Lily's attack?
The more he thought about it, the happier he became. The old man Shi Huo didn't forget to dismiss the others, "It's enough to see the empress alone here, and the rest of you don't have to worry about it. Miss Lily is fine, why don't you go back and rest."

"Then Junior Brother, I'll stay with you!" Amo worried that Xia Zishang was too tired, so he said proactively.

Looking at Amo gently, a little smile appeared in Xia Zishang's eyes, and said in a gentle tone, "Senior brother, don't worry about me. I can handle it by myself. Senior brother, let's go to rest first. Dead head, you too Go rest and replace me tomorrow."

Seeing Xia Zishang winking at him, the dead man immediately understood what Xia Zishang meant, cleared his throat and said, "Okay, then I'll take a step first, Xia Laotie, tomorrow morning I will When I come to see you again, you should pay more attention to rest and don’t be too tired.”

Seeing that he finally succeeded, the old man Shihuo finally let go of the heart that had been hanging in his throat. He just felt relaxed at the moment, and then he suppressed the excitement in his heart, smiled and said to the people around him, "Everyone, we Don't delay the empress here, you see it's getting late, why don't we go back to rest separately."

"Alright then." Seeing that Xia Zishang agreed, Mr. Yueqing had no objections. After saying this, he turned and left the tent.

Everyone filed out, and in the end only Qu Bailu was left, looked at Xia Zishang cautiously and said, "Empress, I'll take a step ahead. If you have anything to order, empress, just call me. I'm sure I'll come and help you right away."

Xia Zishang just pretended to be angry with Qu Bailu just now in order to act more like the real thing, so now that there is no one around, Xia Zishang treats Qu Bailu with a very normal attitude, "Okay, thank you Miss Qu. Miss, just now I was impatient for a while, what I said was not very nice, please don't mind Miss Qu."

Qu Bailu was satisfied with Xia Zishang's words, and there was no reason to care about it. Not only did she not care about it, but she was very happy. She looked at Xia Zishang with great joy and said, "The empress is too polite. It's all what I should do. The empress, I will step down first."

After watching Qu Bailu leave, Xia Zishang finally set his eyes on Lily again.

Lily's expression didn't seem as sad as before, but she was still asleep, her eyes were tightly closed, as if she had dreamed of something particularly painful, and the muscles on her face would twitch from time to time, which made her cry. People can't help but feel distressed just looking at it.

Seeing Lily's painful appearance, Xia Zishang did not immediately relieve Lily's pain in her body, but after taking her a sedative pill, she got up and came to the side of the soft bed, lay down and rested with her back to Lily.

There were only two masters and servants in the tent, and a dimly lit oil lamp was lit on the table. As the night deepened, everyone else in the camp lay down to rest, and soon the camp fell into silence.

At this moment, Lily's body, who had been drowsy all this time, suddenly twitched, and then straightened up, sitting upright all of a sudden, and then opened those empty eyes .

(End of this chapter)

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