God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 3031 You damn traitor

Chapter 3031 You damn traitor
The old man Shihuo had never been so frightened before. His terrified eyes were no different from seeing a ghost. He looked at Xia Zishang and Baihe's master and servant in horror, "This, this is impossible? You Is it a human or a ghost?"

Before the old man Shihuo could finish his sentence, Lily rushed forward with a cold face, aimed at his face, and gave him a slap in the face unceremoniously.

With a groan, half of the old man's face was knocked out of the way. At this moment, he fell to the ground miserably, glaring at Lily as if he had seen a ghost, "You bloody traitor, how dare you betray us!"

The old man Shihuo didn't know what was going on, but he fell to the ground miserably at this moment, only smelling a sweet fragrance in the air, and because of this fragrance, he couldn't move at all, he could only be angry glared at Lily.

Lily heard the old man Shihuo's angry reprimand, but there was still no expression on his face, but just before raising his hands, he slapped the old man Shihuo again. There are several broken teeth, which shows how much effort Lily has used.

"You Wuwumen have been unkind to me. I used to be worse than a living pig and dog. None of you are willing to lend a helping hand to me. If that's the case, then don't blame me. I have always been the empress's person, but You are stupid, it's just that you didn't notice it." Lily's words were taken for granted, and her calm and determined expression made her look like a lonely lily, which was shockingly beautiful.

The old man Shihuo had never been so humiliated before. He wanted to kill Lily, but he couldn't move because of the poison, so it was impossible for him to be Lily's opponent.

"Lily." Xia Zishang waved her hand, signaling Lily to back down.

Lily walked back to Xia Zishang obediently, staring at the old man Shihuo warily.

The old man Shihuo glared at Xia Zishang unwillingly, and asked angrily, "How did you find out? I obviously didn't show any flaws."

"You don't need to know." Xia Zishang was not in the mood to explain to the old man Shi Huo, "Tell me, what is your master's plan?"

The old man Shihuo sneered proudly when he heard the words, his evil look made people feel unhappy.

"Xia Zishang, aren't you very powerful? If that's the case, you can guess it yourself, why do you need to ask me?" The old man Shihuo raised his eyebrows and said loftily.

"Presumptuous, who allows you to be disrespectful to Madam?" Lily sneered, "Don't think we don't know anything, you want to use me, you just want to severely injure Madam, take away the artifact, or use ancient formations to Just deal with the lady."

The old man Shihuo didn't panic at all after hearing this, but the smile on his brows deepened by three points, and his laughter became more and more wild, "Guess, you can guess whatever you want, anyway, I'm just an inconspicuous person Character, whether you guess right or not, I don't know anything. Lily, you should also know how vigilant the sect master is, so I don't know the sect master's plan, and it's useless for you to question me now .”

Lily glared at the old man Shihuo with displeasure, her eyes were quite angry, but she still came to Xia Zishang's side obediently, and said with a cupped hand, "Ma'am, the old man Shihuo is right."

(End of this chapter)

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