God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 3033 I choked myself to death

Chapter 3033 I choked myself to death

The attendant's mouth was filled with the bitter taste of medicine. He was so frightened that he could only keep begging for mercy, sobbing and crying, "Woooooo, I was wrong, I was really wrong, I beg your empress to spare your life."

The old man Shihuo didn't have the heart to listen to the servant's begging for mercy, because the servant's current body had changed in a way that he couldn't imagine at all.

The attendant's body gradually became round and soft, like a snake crawling on the ground, then suddenly turned around unexpectedly, and swallowed that pair of feet into his mouth, the mouth was stretched to the point of splitting, but he continued is swallowing.

The old man Shihuo had never seen such an exciting scene before, his eyes widened in fright, and finally he watched the attendant choke himself to death in a very strange way.

I have never seen anyone die so strangely. The old man Shihuo suddenly smelled a smell of urine. He looked down and realized that he had wet his pants!

The old man Shihuo was scared out of his wits, and finally he was not as stubborn as before, but asked tremblingly, "You guys, what do you want to do? I am willing to help with anything, I just ask you to give me a good time."

"Wouldn't it be better to say that earlier? You have to make yourself uncomfortable. After tossing for a long time, you still have to be obedient." Looking at the old man Shihuo with disgust, Lily looked at Xia Zishang curiously, "Ma'am , what are you going to do next?"

"You tie him up first, I have my own plan for the next step. By the way, remember to act in secret. After leaving the barrier, go to the small woods and wait. I will find you soon." Xia Zishang Looking at Lily exhorted.

Lily nodded obediently, "Don't worry Madam, I'll take him away right away."

After saying this, Lily rushed forward, grabbed the old man Shihuo, and bound the old man into a mummy.

The old man Shihuo was so frightened that his whole body was unwell, and he still kept asking, "You guys, what do you want to do? I warn you not to act recklessly, you... ehhhh!"

Too lazy to listen to the old man Shihuo's nonsense, Lily directly blocked the old man's mouth, and then led the old man away at a fast speed, and that figure formed an afterimage in the air, leaving the barrier, breaking through After entering the small woods on the side, he quickly disappeared.

After Xia Zishang dealt with the corpse, he let the spirit of the enchantment take back the enchantment, and he flew towards the direction where everyone lived.

Time flies, an hour later.

At this time, the sky was already bright, and in the palace of Wujimen Taoji, there were a large number of beautiful attendants and maids waiting for her to freshen up.

However, because the old man Shihuo hadn't moved for a long time, Tao Ji couldn't help being impatient. She immediately looked at the maids and became impatient. After grabbing a beautiful maid, she raised her hand and gave A slap across the face, "Did you look at me? What kind of eyes do you have, do you want to die!"

The poor innocent maid didn't know what she did wrong, she looked at Tao Ji with a confused face, and asked tremblingly, "Master, servant, servant didn't look at you..."

As soon as the maid said this, the people around looked at her with pity on their faces.

(End of this chapter)

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