Chapter 3035

"What's the matter with you?" Tao Ji looked at the old man Shihuo puzzledly, her sharp eyes seemed to be able to see through the old man Shihuo, "Who told you to bring Xia Zishang back directly?"

After hearing Tao Ji's questioning, the old man Shi Huo knelt on the ground trembling, and said helplessly, "This subordinate knows that the sect master, you didn't order this subordinate to bring Xia Zishang directly, but this subordinate almost When his identity was discovered, he worried that he would not have a chance to catch the seriously injured Xia Zishang for Master Taoji, so he led his men to fight all the way, and finally came back."

Tao Ji looked at the old man Shihuo, and indeed saw that the old man Shihuo was covered with wounds all over his body, and his distressed appearance really looked pitiful.

"So you've been discovered?" Tao Ji didn't care whether the old man Shihuo was dead or alive. The only thing she cared about was the overall situation.

The old man Shihuo's eyes were full of guilt, he nodded tremblingly, and silently looked away, "Yes...but don't worry, Master Taoji, when the subordinates left, they specially sprinkled a lot of drugs, and now the camp The people are all stunned, at least they can sleep for a day and a night, so it doesn't matter."

The old man Shihuo's words made Taoji a little more satisfied, and she looked at the old man Shihuo more lazily, and said in a normal tone, "From this point of view, you are not too stupid."

"With Empress Tao Ji guiding me all the way, the villain will certainly improve." The old man Shi Huo said at the end, and the smile on his face became more flattering.

Tao Ji narrowed her eyes slightly, and said coldly, "Since the matter has come to this point, there is really no other way. Come here, go and settle down Xia Zishang first. Remember, lock this woman with poisonous chains." , trap her to death, otherwise, once this woman wakes up, things will become very troublesome."

"Yes!" The person with the Inorganic Gate rushed forward in three steps and two steps, and immediately took Xia Zishang behind Lily down.

Lily carried Xia Zishang on her back all the way with a blank expression on her face. At this time, Xia Zishang was snatched away, but Lily still didn't respond, her eyes were empty and unfocused, as if she was just a machine without emotion. Stand still.

"Lord Tao Ji, this subordinate is going down to rest." The old man Shi Huo looked very weak, and said after coughing twice.

Tao Ji was quite satisfied, so she looked at the old man Shihuo slowly, and asked with a chuckle, "You did a good job this time, just tell me what you want, and I will try my best to satisfy you."

"Then please Master Taoji to reward this lily to my subordinates. I have always wanted an obedient maid, this lily is the best." The old man Shi Huo said immediately.

"Hehe, yes, there is this deity controlling her, you can order her whatever you want, let her do anything." Tao Ji pointed, glanced at Lily and ordered, "From today on, the stone fire around you will be It's your new master."

Lily heard the words, looked at the old man Shihuo respectfully, and bowed, "See Master."

"Okay, let's go down." Tao Ji waved her hand, watching the old man Shihuo leave.

The old man Shihuo was taken to a nice courtyard inside the Wuwu Gate, he entered the gate, and after seeing Tao Ji's subordinates leave, he tremblingly looked at Lily and the 'subordinates' in front of him, " I have cooperated with you well, can you let me go now?"

(End of this chapter)

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